View Full Version : Vacation and cycle

11-11-2020, 10:47 PM
Need some advice. I'm 4 weeks into my cycle. I was just invited to go on a trip out of the country in 4 weeks. I'm not a party animal and can manage my diet. This is not the issue. Im concerned about not pinning for 7 days. Im on 750mg test and 400mg decca both long esters. Is it worth it to stay on? Would my levels fluctuate a lot?

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11-11-2020, 11:04 PM
You’re good dude, just pin the day before you take off. Those esters stay in your system for at least 2 weeks and don’t leave the blood stream for 4 weeks.

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11-11-2020, 11:33 PM
Agreed^^ them two esters are long acting and 7 days without pinning will be fine. IMO.

Hit me up if you have any questions or concerns! [emoji1434]
Advanced Pharma | Advanced Pharmaceutical (https://advancedphar.ma)

11-12-2020, 01:36 AM
Gonna agree with these guys [emoji1362]

Don’t worry be happy. That stuff will still be in ur system but just coming down the other side of the half life.

Enjoy the trip and pin when u return. Glad ur not on short esters [emoji38]

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