View Full Version : Current Training/Diet/Supplementation Regime: Please review, comment & advise

12-02-2020, 07:50 AM
Dear Brothers,

during these unfortunate times, i have adjusted my training gotualitials, diet and supplementation geared towards a leaner physique. This decision is made on the facts of no gym attendance due to the lockdown imposed in Greece, which in turn means no heavy weights.

I am posting this thread with the intention receiving feedback from likeminded individuals and not from my immediate cycle of people, who alsways think that i am overdoing it. So please review, comment, suggest, advise.


Weight: 87kgs-191pounds
Height: 180cm-5ft 9
Age: 40 years old
Bodyfat %: Around 15%-16%
Goal: Get as Lean as possible, try to reach 12% bf


My diet consists typically 4-6 meals per day.

Meal 1) 30-40gr of Greek yogurt 2% fat with a banana & almonds or 1/2 an apple + 1/2 a pear & almonds. This meal is after morning training session of the day.
Meal 2) 40gr of Whey Isolate drunk with milk 2% fat.
Meal 3) Tuna steak/steak/chicken breast with boiled vegetables. Olive oil in moderation on the vegetables, no sauces, no bread, maybe some mustard.
Meal 4) 30-40gr of Greek yogurt 2% fat with a banana & almonds or 1/2 an apple + 1/2 a pear & almonds.
Meal 5) 40gr of Casein Protein powder drunk with milk 2% fat.
Meal 6) it might be whenever throughout the day, not always consumed, maybe some oats or smt else that might stop my cravings.


I train every day, typically twice, once in the morning with an empty stomach and once after work around 5-6 in the evening. At the moment i do circle training, consisting of one superset completed 5-6 times depending on mood, soreness but basically mood. Equipment wise i have two kettlebells 12kg & 16kg, heavy rope and pushup handles. Really mediocre but the amount of exersices i can complete is satisfactory at the moment. A superset will look smt like the following:

1) sumo squats (15reps)
2) swings (20-30reps)
3) front squat (15reps)
4) pushups (15-25reps) with different hand positioning
5) Bicep curls standing and / or hammer (8-10reps)
6) Overhead Tricep extensions (8-10reps)
7) Front Delt Raise supersetted with Lateral Delt Raise (to failure)
8) 100 rope jumps

Altought most of the set is bodyweight or low weight i get pretty tired after the circle. Next circle as soon as i catch my breath and feel ready. I try to complete the whole workout in around 40 mins. Then i do some situps/crunches to failure as many sets as possible, but not every day. After this, i go fast walking or light jogging for 30-40 mins. This training (of course with some variations depending on mood etc) happens twice daily, once in the morning and once late afternoon. Twice per week i go to a park next to my house and do pull ups as well, starting with sets with no assistance till failure, then with band assisting till failure.


1) Protein Powder (Whey Isolate and Casein as described above)
2) 50mg of Proviron (25mg in the morning+ 25mg late afternoon). Will increase to 75mg.
3) Clen (80μmg in the morning + 80μmg late afternoon). I know its alot but it is the dose that works on me and i can see real results.
4) GW-501516-Cardarine (10mg in the morning+ 10mg late afternoon). Has really helped me with increasing my endurance.

This is it really my brothers.

Please suggest changes on training, diet, supplementation for better results. I appreciate the feedback!!!


12-04-2020, 02:01 PM
Seems pretty solid brother , Reading your supplements I find interesting why just those ? May I suggest maybe adding 300mg of test-e per week . Unless you have your own reasons not to if that’s the case then carry on sir , Keep us posted.