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View Full Version : 3 day vs 5 day routines

02-16-2013, 09:10 AM
For the most part I've always used 1 body part day with little extra like chest an tris and back and bic once a week . Typical muscle mag routines . Made good gains at times but get burnt out .
Have been reading lately about 5x5 , 5,3,1 and full body workouts .
Would love any feedback from people who have tried the 2 and what kind of results to expect .

02-17-2013, 01:33 PM
Why you are trying to do powerlifting with muscle mag routines? Those are specific for bodybuilding. 100% different monster. Look into westside barbell, elite, 5 x 5, 5/3/1, etc. By the way, Powerlifting is not about pretty...is about strength!

Rigth now I'm doing volume...10 x 10. Everybody is different. Try and fail type. However, if you are new to the sports, most routines like the 5 x 5, or Westside template it should work perfect.

02-17-2013, 05:44 PM
If you are trying to get into being STRONG and gaining size look into westside for skinny bastards 3 by joe defranco. Guy has trained some of the biggest names but he has done so when they were nobodies (speaking of football here where in college such an emphasis is placed on gaining strength and size it's ridiculous, for positions like linebacker it's like they don't even worry about on field) . Muscle mag type shit dosnt work for anyone who isn't a complete newbie (where anything would work) or those that have significantly developed their muscle bellies and can handle the volume with significant weight and recovery. I used to train 6 days a week on the most split up split ever but I was weak a fuck. Keep it simple and heavy on the big lifts and for each big lift add 2-4 other lifts that make sense and help in your goals. I now never train more than 4 days a week even on heavy androgens. And I've never been stronger in my life.

02-17-2013, 05:46 PM
http://www.powerliftingwatch.com/files/Westside%20Barbell%20Template.pdf this is what the mags should be printing . Read that and honestly in a quicker amount of time than you'd think you'll be the smartest guy in your gym and not wasting your time. One of the best write ups ever .

02-17-2013, 08:35 PM
Thanks for the feedback . I'm ready to start lifting for strength and size . My legs are my weak spot so these strength routines will force me to work them like I should have been doing . I've been lifting off and on for couple years and I'm not as strong as I should be . I need to build a better base . I live in a very rural area and lift alone at home . Only routines I saw were in the mags so I kinda just thought that's how you were suppose to work out . I feel like I wasted a lot of time and effort .

02-18-2013, 10:24 PM
Look into westside or elite website. They have plenty of videos and routines that really works!!!

02-19-2013, 08:53 AM
Or if you want a combo of strength and power eithout sacrificing size look into powerbuilding programs or john meadows mountaindog training program

02-19-2013, 08:55 AM
The cube method is also a nice one too look into bc it doesnt tax your cns as much because you are t maxing out twice a week, only one of the main lifts per week

02-19-2013, 01:37 PM
M-w-f dc training and I try for 2-3 more days of a little extra cardio tho I do at least 15 min on lift days also but non lift days I shoot for 25-30 min and will be working that up when I go back on

02-19-2013, 02:11 PM
For the most part I've always used 1 body part day with little extra like chest an tris and back and bic once a week . Typical muscle mag routines . Made good gains at times but get burnt out .
Have been reading lately about 5x5 , 5,3,1 and full body workouts .
Would love any feedback from people who have tried the 2 and what kind of results to expect .

Those routines (5x5, 5,3,1) are for strength. You might get some size but they are mainly for strength.

If you are looking for adding size I would do a routine that involves only 3 days a weeks since you say you are burnt out ( Over training). After about 12 weeks i would return to a 4 day a week routine.
There is many diffrent techniques you can try, but volume is key for adding more size. 10X10 is a good routine and with short rest (30~40 sec) as a variation you can add more size.

02-19-2013, 05:08 PM
Rigth now I'm doing volume...10 x 10. Everybody is different. Try and fail type. However, if you are new to the sports, most routines like the 5 x 5, or Westside template it should work perfect.

does 10x10 mean 10 sets of 10 reps per muscle group? if so, how many muscle groups are you working in a single session? and do the # of sets change for secondary muscles if you are working more than one muscle group per session e.g. chest day 1: 10X10 & tris 6x10?

02-19-2013, 05:17 PM
I'm with bhcolex50x - DC 2 day split 3 days a week. Only recently I've deviated a little to train back on a separate day cuse it lags so much on me.

There are lots of great setups, you just gotta find the one that works for your schedule and your goals.

02-19-2013, 09:56 PM
Thanks for the feedback . I'm ready to start lifting for strength and size . My legs are my weak spot so these strength routines will force me to work them like I should have been doing . I've been lifting off and on for couple years and I'm not as strong as I should be . I need to build a better base . I live in a very rural area and lift alone at home . Only routines I saw were in the mags so I kinda just thought that's how you were suppose to work out . I feel like I wasted a lot of time and effort .
This was me dude , I even got pretty damn big and was still weak as hell, lived in a rural area and lifted alone. In fact I got so sick of being weak I stopped lifting for a year and a half. Here's what I did to go from 185lb unable to lift more than 225 to 210 lifting 315 lb (bench) . I'm normally a beanpole so I HAVE to focus on maintaining size and gaining size to reach my goals . Here is EXACTLY what I did; follow the westside routine, and on the "dynamic days" for bench do 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps on flat barbell or incline bench. For lower body one week do your max effor day with the deadlift and on the "dynamic day" (now our hypertrophy and volume maintenance day) squat 3-4 sets of 7-12 , and next week reverse the dead and squat. There is a big emphasis on switching your max effort and dynamic lifts around every 3 weeks , for people nowhere near max strength I'd say you can keep these lifts for an 8 week cycle easy. (These are all personal opinions remember, just what worked for me) . I also started immediately doing 2 sets of 15 reps of something like dumbbell floor press (look it up so good for triceps and tricep mass) or decline dumbbell or sometimes even a rowing movement, these did change every week, on max effor bench day, and on max lower body day I would rep out high amount of Romanian deadlifts after my max effort lift. This helped tremendously with maintaining a "thickness" to me. I'd drop one of the normal lifts sometimes when adding these to not get burned out. This is exactly what I did to get strong and big. If you are pretty young you can handle it with lower volume on the assurance lifts. I will even draw up a sample week for you if you are having trouble. Main thing, stick to what you try for at least two months, don't keep changing it up and blame a specific program. This is a marathon not a sprint. Good luck nro

02-19-2013, 09:57 PM
Ps my bench is even higher now absolutely , but I also started usin AAS (though I'm sure I could have gotten higher natural)

02-19-2013, 11:21 PM
This was me dude , I even got pretty damn big and was still weak as hell, lived in a rural area and lifted alone. In fact I got so sick of being weak I stopped lifting for a year and a half. Here's what I did to go from 185lb unable to lift more than 225 to 210 lifting 315 lb (bench) . I'm normally a beanpole so I HAVE to focus on maintaining size and gaining size to reach my goals . Here is EXACTLY what I did; follow the westside routine, and on the "dynamic days" for bench do 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps on flat barbell or incline bench. For lower body one week do your max effor day with the deadlift and on the "dynamic day" (now our hypertrophy and volume maintenance day) squat 3-4 sets of 7-12 , and next week reverse the dead and squat. There is a big emphasis on switching your max effort and dynamic lifts around every 3 weeks , for people nowhere near max strength I'd say you can keep these lifts for an 8 week cycle easy. (These are all personal opinions remember, just what worked for me) . I also started immediately doing 2 sets of 15 reps of something like dumbbell floor press (look it up so good for triceps and tricep mass) or decline dumbbell or sometimes even a rowing movement, these did change every week, on max effor bench day, and on max lower body day I would rep out high amount of Romanian deadlifts after my max effort lift. This helped tremendously with maintaining a "thickness" to me. I'd drop one of the normal lifts sometimes when adding these to not get burned out. This is exactly what I did to get strong and big. If you are pretty young you can handle it with lower volume on the assurance lifts. I will even draw up a sample week for you if you are having trouble. Main thing, stick to what you try for at least two months, don't keep changing it up and blame a specific program. This is a marathon not a sprint. Good luck nro

This sounds like what I need to try out . I would appreciate a sample week if you have time . I have a pretty strong upper body but my lower is embarrassing .

02-20-2013, 01:00 AM
Good call Dirtydude

02-20-2013, 04:22 AM
This sounds like what I need to try out . I would appreciate a sample week if you have time . I have a pretty strong upper body but my lower is embarrassing .
Hahah I know the feeling bro! At one point my bench and squat were equal (I was very young when this was true, but knowing what I know now, fucking embarrassing) tomorrow I will write you up a sample week. Again I'm not putting down what anyone else wrote at all I'm just telling you what did wonders for me.

02-20-2013, 07:34 AM
Yeah ever since I seen a link from here about the 5x5 stronglifts thats what Ive been doing. Three days out the week with two days off. Mon, Wed, Fri. Adding 5lbs to everyworkout gradually increasing strength. I enjoy the routine alot and that 10x10, that westside routine ur talkng about DirtyD looks very interestng & intriguing, I need to look into it. It sucks because Im up in the woods with no car and confined to the garage with a little bench. Smh Im NAT n currently up to 285 5x5. bench. My goal is to get up & above 315 this year. If I eat big and keep training hard and stay dedicated I can accomplish my goals. So I can be like the BigDogs out there on this board!! Also hit the squats,deads, and military presses hard.LOL

02-21-2013, 01:53 AM
Yeah ever since I seen a link from here about the 5x5 stronglifts thats what Ive been doing. Three days out the week with two days off. Mon, Wed, Fri. Adding 5lbs to everyworkout gradually increasing strength. I enjoy the routine alot and that 10x10, that westside routine ur talkng about DirtyD looks very interestng & intriguing, I need to look into it. It sucks because Im up in the woods with no car and confined to the garage with a little bench. Smh Im NAT n currently up to 285 5x5. bench. My goal is to get up & above 315 this year. If I eat big and keep training hard and stay dedicated I can accomplish my goals. So I can be like the BigDogs out there on this board!! Also hit the squats,deads, and military presses hard.LOL
Bro at 195 a 285 5x5 is respectable as hell for a young natty trainee like you, or me minus the juice haha. It's not a program you can look into it's a combo of two very famous programs plus some shit and minus some shit that helped me in the exact ways the OP is looking for help.( And to to OP, I swear to god I will do you're write up but I'm doing it as a write up you or anyone can use if they ever see fit to do so. ) Like all of us here we share what works for us to help others.

02-21-2013, 04:49 AM
Bro at 195 a 285 5x5 is respectable as hell for a young natty trainee like you, or me minus the juice haha. It's not a program you can look into it's a combo of two very famous programs plus some shit and minus some shit that helped me in the exact ways the OP is looking for help.( And to to OP, I swear to god I will do you're write up but I'm doing it as a write up you or anyone can use if they ever see fit to do so. ) Like all of us here we share what works for us to help others.

Thanks and definetly brotha' man.I like the 5x5 stronglifts and been gaining strength and lifting heavier weight from it. Interested in the westside routine u was explaining too. I need alot more advice myself. Oh and equipment in my tiny ass garage,like a power cage and dumbbells.:( LoL

03-04-2013, 04:50 PM
I liked 5x5 as a good, basic strength routine that will also add quite a bit of size if you're eating right (i.e. a LOT). I've found that you really do have to get good quality calories and a lot of sleep/rest if you're doing 5x5 correctly because it's a full body routine 3x a week that has you squatting every single time. Since you've maintained that your legs are your weakest link, most any proper powerlifting program should help with that if followed properly, but the frequency at which you'd be squatting in a 5x5 program is such that you should see some great strength gains in a shortish period of time. My only gripe about 5x5 is that it's very easy to overdo it. Make sure when starting out with 5x5 that you start with weights that are EASY to do for the first few weeks. You always want to start out low and then work your way past your normal weights throughout the course of the program. Oh - and don't forget to deload!! If you stop hitting your numbers for more than 1 week consecutively, it's time to back off, do some lighter training, maybe even throw in some sled dragging or hill sprints for recovery.

If you're interested, PM me and I can throw you a good spreadsheet for a 5x5 routine. Also here's a good resource to get started: http://stronglifts.com/madcow/5x5_Program/Linear_5x5.htm

03-06-2013, 03:25 PM
All feedback much appreciated