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02-23-2013, 04:00 AM

We asked bodybuilding and pro wrestling legend Ric Drasin to remind us of exercises that we shouldn't have forgotten in the first place

By Ric Drasin, as told to Shawn Perine

1. Wide-Grip Chins
"You don't see too many people doing wide grip chins anymore. Everyone does lat pulldowns, but they seem to have forgotten about chins in recent years. Back in the day all of us?Arnold, Franco, Ken Waller?we all used to do them religiously.

"What's really great is supersetting chins with bench presses. That's what Arnold and I used to do; back and forth, one to the other. You're working antagonistic muscle groups, like when you train biceps with triceps. It basically pumps up your whole upper body."

2. T-Bar Rows
"We would do these by jamming one end of an Olympic bar into a corner of the room. We'd switch off our hands, putting one in front of the other to grip the bar and switching each set. If we did four sets then each side would get preference for two alternate sets.

"The T-bar rows done this way are great for giving you a big stretch in your lats?more so than doing straight barbell rows."

3. One-arm Dumbbell Row
"I see guys doing these on occasion, but they rarely do them the right way. This is an exercise you can really feel if you do it right. You get that deep stretch at the bottom and the nice contraction in the lat at the top. But if your focus is on going super-heavy you're not going get the full effectiveness out of this movement."

4. Push-Ups
"What we would do is superset flat bench dumbbell flyes with decline pushups. We'd put our feet pup on a bench and then there were these low wooden boxes?maybe 4" tall?that we would place our hands on to get that extra stretch at the bottom. This is a killer?really pumps up the pecs. Four sets of 8-12 reps done this way burns your chest out pretty well."

5. Cross Bench Pullover
"Everyone did these back in the day. It's where you lie across a bench with your middle back to shoulders supported by it and pull a dumbbell from the floor over your head in a big sweeping, arcing movement. We did these to expand our ribcages but they work the pecs, lats and even the triceps."

6. Concentration Curl w/Hanging Arm
"I used to do these with Arnold. Most people do their concentration curls by bracing the back of their upper arm to the inside of their thigh. What we would do was lean on the dumbbell rack with one hand and let the other arm dangle. Then we'd curl the dumbell up without moving our upper arm at all.

"One common mistake people make with these is they curl the weight to their chest. Instead you should curl it out in the direction of your pinky. Makes all the difference."

7. Cross-Chest Dumbbell Triceps Extension
"Lie back on a bench holding a dumbbell in one hand. Push it straight over your shoulder as if you were going to do a one-arm extension, but instead of bringing the dumbbell down next to your ear, lower it to your opposite pec. It's a variation on the traditional one-arm extension, but it's really good."

8. EZ Curl Lying Triceps Extensions
"This isn't so much a forgotten exercise as a technique the great Bill Pearl taught me that I never see anyone do anymore. It's like "21's", but for triceps.

"You lie down and do eight reps of extensions bringing the bar behind your head. Then without stopping you do another 8 reps bringing the bar to your forehead. Then you immediately go to 8 pushouts?basically close-grip bench presses with the elbows held close to the body. It will totally fatigue your triceps."

9. Sissy Squats
"You hold onto either a machine or a column or some other vertical bar that can take your weight. Then holding on with one hand you squat down, leaning your torso back so as to put all the stress on your quads. Remember to keep your hips forward at all times. If you're doing them correctly you don't even need weight, but you can hold a plate to your chest with your free arm."

10. Forearm Roller
"What we used to do was find a nice thick broom handle or a metal pipe and drill a hole through its center. Then we'd tie a rope through it and tie a weight to the other end and raise the weight by rolling the bar with our arms extended. It gives you an unbelievable burn in your forearms after just a few sets."

02-23-2013, 05:30 AM
Great article

02-23-2013, 05:41 AM
With the exception of #10, these are all in my exercise armory. I would probably add dips to that list, but it is a great reminder of exercises we should not overlook.

02-23-2013, 06:57 PM
With the exception of #10, these are all in my exercise armory. I would probably add dips to that list, but it is a great reminder of exercises we should not overlook.

Gotta have dips bro. Those are something I do on a regular basis as well.

03-16-2016, 12:26 PM
What about Deadlifts?

03-16-2016, 07:20 PM
Gotta have dips bro. Those are something I do on a regular basis as well.

Agreed. Dips are like the squat for the upper body. Love 'em.

04-06-2016, 06:38 AM
Great read about the school kids....Specially for the School boys who like body building....

04-15-2016, 05:43 AM
The forearm stick is physically incredibly painful after the first set and also incredibly socially awkward from the moment you pull it out. 5/5 would do again.

04-17-2016, 11:16 AM
+1 for t-bar rows they are badass. +1 dips especially with some absurd amount of weight hanging off you/ chains on neck. I have just discovered incline bench pull overs and I love them for chest and deadlifts are the shit.

08-14-2016, 06:29 PM
Guys, I'd like to add one very useful movement !

Behind the back deadlifts!

an old school exercisise which targets almost exclusively the quads and mid back. Great for developing the vtaper. With my body structure it's very hard and uncomfortable
for me to do convential deads but found btbd to be very useful :)

Chemically altured
08-14-2016, 07:58 PM
About have of those I still do...there a must
For me. Seems liked old school work outs build me bigger and thicker. Chin ups I do every back day right after dead lifts. I feel my own body weight and the stretch I get from hanging builds my lats alot better then lat pulls. Just my opion.

08-14-2016, 11:19 PM
About have of those I still do...there a must
For me. Seems liked old school work outs build me bigger and thicker. Chin ups I do every back day right after dead lifts. I feel my own body weight and the stretch I get from hanging builds my lats alot better then lat pulls. Just my opion.

I agree. Pull - ups are probably one of the best back builders there is

08-15-2016, 01:31 AM
This post brings back memories.

Loose Cannon
08-15-2016, 02:41 AM
good read

09-12-2016, 11:39 AM
thank a lot

11-12-2016, 02:14 AM
really good reading material. Thanks

11-13-2016, 01:14 AM
Crushed some Tbar rows today. Good info. Ya see to many people moving away from good ole fashion lifts and compound lifts these days.

02-09-2017, 02:36 AM
Yeah awesome - EZ triceps extension have given me the best results when it comes to tricep development.

04-15-2017, 03:21 PM

We asked bodybuilding and pro wrestling legend Ric Drasin to remind us of exercises that we shouldn't have forgotten in the first place

By Ric Drasin, as told to Shawn Perine

1. Wide-Grip Chins
"You don't see too many people doing wide grip chins anymore. Everyone does lat pulldowns, but they seem to have forgotten about chins in recent years. Back in the day all of us?Arnold, Franco, Ken Waller?we all used to do them religiously.

"What's really great is supersetting chins with bench presses. That's what Arnold and I used to do; back and forth, one to the other. You're working antagonistic muscle groups, like when you train biceps with triceps. It basically pumps up your whole upper body."

2. T-Bar Rows
"We would do these by jamming one end of an Olympic bar into a corner of the room. We'd switch off our hands, putting one in front of the other to grip the bar and switching each set. If we did four sets then each side would get preference for two alternate sets.

"The T-bar rows done this way are great for giving you a big stretch in your lats?more so than doing straight barbell rows."

3. One-arm Dumbbell Row
"I see guys doing these on occasion, but they rarely do them the right way. This is an exercise you can really feel if you do it right. You get that deep stretch at the bottom and the nice contraction in the lat at the top. But if your focus is on going super-heavy you're not going get the full effectiveness out of this movement."

4. Push-Ups
"What we would do is superset flat bench dumbbell flyes with decline pushups. We'd put our feet pup on a bench and then there were these low wooden boxes?maybe 4" tall?that we would place our hands on to get that extra stretch at the bottom. This is a killer?really pumps up the pecs. Four sets of 8-12 reps done this way burns your chest out pretty well."

5. Cross Bench Pullover
"Everyone did these back in the day. It's where you lie across a bench with your middle back to shoulders supported by it and pull a dumbbell from the floor over your head in a big sweeping, arcing movement. We did these to expand our ribcages but they work the pecs, lats and even the triceps."

6. Concentration Curl w/Hanging Arm
"I used to do these with Arnold. Most people do their concentration curls by bracing the back of their upper arm to the inside of their thigh. What we would do was lean on the dumbbell rack with one hand and let the other arm dangle. Then we'd curl the dumbell up without moving our upper arm at all.

"One common mistake people make with these is they curl the weight to their chest. Instead you should curl it out in the direction of your pinky. Makes all the difference."

7. Cross-Chest Dumbbell Triceps Extension
"Lie back on a bench holding a dumbbell in one hand. Push it straight over your shoulder as if you were going to do a one-arm extension, but instead of bringing the dumbbell down next to your ear, lower it to your opposite pec. It's a variation on the traditional one-arm extension, but it's really good."

8. EZ Curl Lying Triceps Extensions
"This isn't so much a forgotten exercise as a technique the great Bill Pearl taught me that I never see anyone do anymore. It's like "21's", but for triceps.

"You lie down and do eight reps of extensions bringing the bar behind your head. Then without stopping you do another 8 reps bringing the bar to your forehead. Then you immediately go to 8 pushouts?basically close-grip bench presses with the elbows held close to the body. It will totally fatigue your triceps."

9. Sissy Squats
"You hold onto either a machine or a column or some other vertical bar that can take your weight. Then holding on with one hand you squat down, leaning your torso back so as to put all the stress on your quads. Remember to keep your hips forward at all times. If you're doing them correctly you don't even need weight, but you can hold a plate to your chest with your free arm."

10. Forearm Roller
"What we used to do was find a nice thick broom handle or a metal pipe and drill a hole through its center. Then we'd tie a rope through it and tie a weight to the other end and raise the weight by rolling the bar with our arms extended. It gives you an unbelievable burn in your forearms after just a few sets."

I love the forearm roller exercise

07-19-2017, 09:16 AM
Very good article, I do them almost all, the old school is the best, it's the real bodybuilding

02-08-2018, 10:56 PM
I agree.
not matter what program you do the following exercises should remain to help keep functional strength.

Push ups
Walking lunges

all these movements help keep the foundation for functional movement.

02-08-2018, 11:46 PM
Great read, Pain. Glad this old thread came back up.

06-28-2018, 09:05 AM
Cross bench pullovers are a favorite. Nice one.

Heavy farmers walk and stiff arm pulldowns as well.

I also find I almost never see people doing direct forearm or grip work.

06-28-2018, 10:16 AM
Great share will get these in my training. Thank you!

08-01-2018, 09:05 AM
Helpful article will try sometime

08-23-2018, 03:17 AM
I like doing zottoman curls ..

08-24-2018, 10:39 PM
Nice article

09-05-2018, 10:17 AM
Thanks, PAIN. Love classic exercises because of them efficiency and brutality

10-16-2018, 04:32 PM
Still use pretty much all of these at one point or another

06-04-2019, 11:53 PM
Thanks for the share brother. Need to start shocking the body more.

07-22-2019, 11:46 AM
Guys, I'd like to add one very useful movement !

08-02-2019, 09:35 PM
this helped me out a lot ;)

03-13-2020, 02:56 PM
Forarm roller. Yes. People tend to neglect this area, and it's such an easy thing to workout

03-13-2020, 11:07 PM
Never stopped doing any of these. They're Legit staples in my routines, except for:

#4 Pushups- I mean if you can crank out 50+ reps of something its just way too light. Okay.. maybe as a warmup.
#7 Cross Chest DB Tricep Ext- Never did much for me. Prefer to lean over and do the one arm tri kicks with DB or cable. But Pushdowns, Close Grip Presses, & Skull Crushers are my Go To for Tri's ..finishing with Tricep Extensions.
#9 Sissy Squats - Tried em when I was younger.. never stuck to em. Prefer to build my thighs with extensions, Presses, Full squats, and/or Front squats & lunges.. In that order. No Sissy moves!
#10 Forearm rollers- Did these as a teen but by the time I was in my early 20's I didn't do em any more. Hammer Curls, Alternate DB Curls work great for me to get forearms Pumped

04-12-2020, 10:59 PM
Nice read for sure

04-30-2021, 08:57 PM
I gotta add chins back into my programming. Thanks for the article!

04-30-2021, 09:51 PM
I gotta add chins back into my programming. Thanks for the article!

I did recently and Im enjoying the results. Feels good too.

07-03-2022, 09:29 PM
7 out of 10 of those exercises are my go to exercises. I can’t do wide grip pull-ups do to delt injuries, otherwise I would. Those are all excellent exercises.

07-04-2022, 05:20 PM
I have been adding in assisted pull ups and banded pull ups. Rotator cuff injuries make it more difficult but I the pump I get from them is great.
The rest of these are pretty regular for me to use. Haven’t done sissy squats in a while. Those leave your legs on fire.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-28-2022, 04:51 PM
Great read