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02-23-2013, 04:34 AM
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Testosterone Replacement therapy is a growing market in the medical field with seemingly limitless potential and possibilities not only as it serves those financially who provide it but as the service it provides the consumer; specifically the male population. For decades testosterone has been used as a means of performance enhancing but more recently this same anabolic steroid has increasingly served as a means to combat the symptoms of age and add a little boost as bonus.

No longer is testosterone viewed simply as an illegal performance enhancer; not only is testosterone being used for the purposes described above but so are many others once considered Taboo drugs. If you watch TV you're bound to see a commercial for Low-T they seem to flood the airways; beer, cars and Low-T this is where the money is at today but what exactly is Low-T? Low-T is simply a short way of saying Low Testosterone the hormone produced by males that essentially make them men. Yes, females produce the hormone as well but only in trace amounts as compared to men. With testosterone replacement therapy or Low-T treatment we essentially increase the levels of the testosterone hormone as they tend to decline with age by means of testosterone replacement therapy.

Many individuals are somewhat surprised when they go to the doctor to fix their Low-T problem when they discover their testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is nothing more than a prescription of anabolic steroids. This is why Low-T commercials avoid the use of the words testosterone replacement therapy because the word Testosterone still leaves a dirty taste in the mouths of many; after all, you've been told all your life steroids will kill you, now you're told they can help you; funny how life works. If nothing else this should raise some serious questions in your own mind.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) continues to climb rapidly in spite of claims made by the U.S. congress inferring testosterone injections will instantly destroy you. Testosterone and anabolic steroids as a whole, this raises a very interesting question; if you use these hormones as means of performance enhancement it will make your head fall off but if you receive a piece of paper that legally allows you to receive testosterone replacement therapy using the same testosterone athletes commonly use it will improve your quality of life; have we honestly become so diminished in our thinking that we cant see the fallacy in this argument?

The bottom line is simple; millions of men the world over are increasingly receiving testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and its rare to find one who's not glad he did. Even so, many of the doctors who provide testosterone replacement therapy have come under investigation. Many of these physicians are regularly charged with prescribing testosterone to individuals who dont really need it but, and if this is good or bad is up to you to decide; the fine-line determining who truly needs it is hard to conclude; after all, no one truly needs it if we are to allow the natural causes of life prevail but you could make the same argument for any medication, making this argument mute. Regardless, year after year, many men see their lives greatly improved thanks to testosterone replacement therapy; improved, not diminished and it is because of this fact TRT is going nowhere.

The Purpose of Testosterone Replacement Therapy:

Testosterone replacement therapy, the purpose of largely lies within the name itself; the purpose of testosterone replacement therapy is to provide the body needed testosterone by means of a synthetic replacement since adequate natural levels are no longer produced. In most cases this is brought on due to age; we age and our natural levels of the hormone decline and once a decline begins it continues to grow each and every year. There are individuals who will experience a decline due to improper functioning testicles or pituitary gland but the most common factor is simply growing older. The majority of men will notice a massive decline in their 40s and 50s however, this serious decline will occur in many men in their 30s and less commonly in their 20s but it is still a possibility.

Low levels of testosterone can bring about a host of negative effects and not only make life uncomfortable but severely reduce the overall quality of ones life. The effects of low testosterone can bring havoc to sexual function and desires, destroy your physique or make obtaining a quality one a virtual impossibility and even cause depression and mental incompetency. As severe as these affects can be, in most cases they are not directly life threatening, however, severe low levels can indirectly lead to a host of life threatening problems, such as heart disease and mental disorders such as Alzheimer's. Through sound testosterone replacement therapy we can not only avert these nasty problems but enjoy a happier and more fulfilled life.

Understanding Testosterone Replacement Therapy:

As we understand, the purpose of testosterone replacement therapy is to increase the amount of testosterone in the body in order for proper function to be achieved. To achieve this end the first step is to have your natural levels checked which can be performed by a simple blood test. Once our levels are officially determined we will receive the needed testosterone we need in order to increase our levels to an optimal range and the success rate is nearly 100%. While the success rate is extraordinarily high, in order to qualify for testosterone replacement therapy a general physical will need to be performed as exogenous testosterone use can cause some unwanted side-effects. These side-effects while possible are by no means guaranteed; all medications of all types carry with them a risk of side-effects but the measure of your overall health must be obtained in order to ensure your safety. Those who already suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol may find they do not qualify for testosterone replacement therapy, however, only your doctor will be able to determine the most applicable outcome and weigh the risk to reward ratios.

Types of Testosterone Replacement Therapy:

Most men will be given one of three types of common therapy but each type, although unique in application form will carry with it the same hormone, testosterone. The most common types of testosterone replacement therapy include either injectable or transdermal application. Injectable testosterone will prove to be the most potent, effective and efficient of all, while transdermal application will work it will not do so at the same level. There are two common forms of transdermal applications, gels known as AndroGel and patches known as AndroDerm. All three forms of testosterone replacement therapy will increase testosterone levels but some men will find only the injectable forms to be powerful enough to bring their levels to where they truly need to be. In the end it is impossible to predict, transdermal application may be all you ever need but you will find there is often a phase of trial and error to determine what is best for you.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy:

As the symptoms of low testosterone are brutal the benefits of therapy can largely and in most cases completely eradicate them and even increase the aspects associated with them in a positive manner. Men who undergo testosterone replacement therapy commonly report the following positive effects:

Increased Sex Drive
Increased Muscle Mass
Increased Strength
Decreased Body-Fat
Increased Energy
Decreased Levels of Stress
A Greater Sense of Well-Being

As you can easily see the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy are nothing to scoff at and there is not a man alive who would not welcome every single one. Unfortunately many men ignore the signs of low testosterone and never do anything about it. This is a crying shame, as therapy is not only effective but a simple, very simple process to undertake.

03-18-2013, 06:43 PM
Timely article. Good article.

03-18-2013, 11:50 PM
Good read for any one concidering trt.

03-05-2016, 03:36 AM
Great read, I have a question, in trt what does doctors use? Which type of text?

03-05-2016, 04:06 AM
I really enjoy reading these brief, informative articles. Thanks Pain.

03-05-2016, 03:54 PM
Very well written article on TRT. I realize it's a few years old, but still relevant. You forgot to mention another form of TRT....pellets. A nurse/doctor puts these testosterone pellets beneath your skin (not sure where exactly as I was offered this option but instead chose self-administered T cyp injections)...

03-05-2016, 04:07 PM
Also forgot to mention...some urologist use Clomiphene Citrate (better known branded as Clomid) in place of prescribing other TRT options...at the patient's choice of course. I can tell you this about it though - Clomid will raise your T levels by making your brain/testes produce more "naturally"...but it's not the same and not as effective. My younger brother is currently on it because he's a wuss and afraid of needles (gels were not effective enough either). His total T level prior to Clomid was 272. After a year of Clomid@50mg/day his total T levels hover between 700-800. HOWEVER - He has gained a significant amount of body fat and has almost no sexual interest. I myself am on T cyp injections .75cc weekly, my total T levels sit between 800-900 (slightly higher than his), and I have a decrease in body fat, increase in muscle mass, huge increase in sexual appetite, and I feel great. So I don't believe using Clomid in place of TRT is very effective...but it is good for PCT for those not on TRT.

05-30-2016, 06:47 AM
I have heard that 250 mg is the commonly prescribed amount of test for TRT.

Does that mean that 250mg is an amount that is generally considered safe to cruise on forever? I get worried if I start it and somehow sources dry up I'll be left w/ big PCT problems (if I had been on for 5 years for example) because nothing might bring the natural T back?

05-30-2016, 12:29 PM
I have heard that 250 mg is the commonly prescribed amount of test for TRT.

Does that mean that 250mg is an amount that is generally considered safe to cruise on forever? I get worried if I start it and somehow sources dry up I'll be left w/ big PCT problems (if I had been on for 5 years for example) because nothing might bring the natural T back?
In the US, the testosterone that is prescribed for TRT is test Cyp and its 200mg/mL. The dose will vary from person to person. On TRT you want your total test level to be around 900 (the scale is like 300-1000 or 400-1100 depending on your doctor). So for myself, I know I only need .75cc (175mg) of test Cyp a week to get my levels to be around 900. Some guys need 200mg per week. If I were you, start at 250mg per week, get bloodwork done after a month, if it's higher than 1100 total T, I'd drop 250mg/week down to 200mg/week. There's a lot of trial and error that TRT patients(like myself) have to go through in order to hone in on that perfect dose.

05-30-2016, 03:36 PM
In the US, the testosterone that is prescribed for TRT is test Cyp and its 200mg/mL. The dose will vary from person to person. On TRT you want your total test level to be around 900 (the scale is like 300-1000 or 400-1100 depending on your doctor). So for myself, I know I only need .75cc (175mg) of test Cyp a week to get my levels to be around 900. Some guys need 200mg per week. If I were you, start at 250mg per week, get bloodwork done after a month, if it's higher than 1100 total T, I'd drop 250mg/week down to 200mg/week. There's a lot of trial and error that TRT patients(like myself) have to go through in order to hone in on that perfect dose.


On our trial determining where my dose should be the doc and I also started high and are slowly going down. At 200mg test Enanthate (scripted) my test came out to 1388 ng/dl with a reference range of 348-1197. The doc was pretty happy with it and said we could leave it there if we wanted, haha! The rest of my numbers looked good so he said he would rather have it on the high end. I'm not complaining!!! He did say if we were to try to get it within the reference range we would probably take it to 170mg/week and call it there.

Amber Jones
08-16-2016, 09:26 AM
TRT is better if you are something wromg with testosterone.

09-13-2016, 02:28 AM
trt is a growing business with doctors making a killing on it. problem is not all doctors are on the bandwagon, nor do they bother to do
their homework when it comes to helping patients who ask about it and have proven to have low-t. this is especially true in the va,
where the doctors have no incentive to become knowledgeable about testosterone or any other ped. trying to get them to understand
that these drugs can improve a man's life dramatically for their well being and good is an up hill climb. sure makes it difficult, when a
person can't go to other doctors because of it being cost prohibitive. that's sad to, bc doctors are suppose to be there to help people,
not rob them to help them.

09-24-2016, 06:04 PM
I have talked to a bunch of friends and talked them into getting labs done and looking at the possibility of needing TRT. I saved a few guys marriages and most were glad they listened to me and got it done and are know being treated or started treatment and then started getting it from a close friend that knows about taking test and who they could trust to show them how to do everything. I think over the years I have given 200 people their first shot. I had to have someone show me at one time. I am glad this is finally being talked about to bad we couldn't get hGH replacement and have insurance cover it lol

09-24-2016, 09:44 PM
What issues come with it though? Production of test isn't the only thing that declines with age and I wonder if an artificially higher level of test will have a number of undesirable results.

I hope they the answer is it's all good lol.

09-25-2016, 01:57 PM
As someone who has been on numerous prohormones with little knowledge back in college, I can say that prohormones in fact have ruined my test levels. Being immature, not researching, and just plain old stupid with trying anything without pct, I paid the price. A year after stopping pro hormones, I felt depressed, low energy, suicidal and dark thoughts, and no libido. Went to my doctor. Did a blood test and discovered my test levels were at <300. (274 to be exact) total test. Free bound test was 82. He prescribed me sticky patches (androderm 4mg). After 1 year and 2 more blood tests, my total t was 313 and free bound was 66, and then 267 and 90. As you can see my levels slightly increased on the stickies and then dipped again. I was very frustrated. I was also spending $80 per RX pick up per month. My doctor explained to me that my body may not be absorbing all the the testosterone in the patches. I asked him about clomid he laughed and said I don't need that. When asked about test pins he said that would be exhausting having to come in and pin. And it's painful.

Long story short, I sought out on my own test e. First time bumped at 500mg and then cruised at 250. Total test was 3011 and free was 1126. Normal range should be 250-1100ng/dl for total and 35-155 pg/ml for free. As you guys can see a huge difference in the efficacy and effectiveness of test pins vs gels. I really feel like you have to find a doc that's on the same page as you or thoroughly educate yourself and take things into your own hands. This was in CT at the time. Now I pin 200 mg of test e every 5 days and my latest blood test came back at 1059 for total and 355 for free. I can say that I have noticed a huge difference in my libido and overall just being able to get and erection in comparison to the patches which were at random and on and off. Far more consistent with test e. The only thing with test e is that you are getting 72 mg of test per 100 mg of inject oil. So I would recommend depending on your need to go between 200-250 for an effective dose. If anyone has any questions regarding my experiences please do ask. I believe in being totally transparent as it will help a lot of newbies and ppl transitioning to trt on their own and with a doc. My best advice is to advocate for yourself as the doctor patient relationship should be a partnering one. I've also saved a great deal in money as for the patches I was paying $960 per year. On test e $60 bucks per bottle. And one bottle lasts about 10 weeks. 52 weeks in a year would mean I was spending $300-$360 per year. Talk about ROI. Test e and test c in steady doses are the way to go. Fuck androderm.

09-26-2016, 12:07 AM
What issues come with it though? Production of test isn't the only thing that declines with age and I wonder if an artificially higher level of test will have a number of undesirable results.

I hope they the answer is it's all good lol.

Everything in life has some results and most are good and bad take women with hysterectomy and her body doesn't produce the right amount hormones anymore due to the age just like men have a lower testosterone level and growth hormone level. I am not going to say that taking artificial hormones either for a man or a woman doesn't come with some risks. But if your body is lacking the hormones male and female then you also run another set of risks. If you're on TRT or for females their own version of hormone replacement. Either way without hormone replacement you are looking at a bunch of major things that could cause health problems so there are both positive and negative. If you take the hormones there is a different set of possible risks to your health. The best thing to do is do some research and consult a couple doctors and listen to a bunch of guys on BOP that have experience and see how they feel. Is The best thing to do if you're a male, for example, is look at the risks all not having hormones versus having added hormones, then look at your family history and see how that Relates to the risks of not taking replacement hormones versus taking hormone replacement. If you're doing hormone replacement for the first time doctors will closely monitor you for several months and monetary your labs and should be taking into past Family medical history when giving their opinion on whether or not to take them or not. .. But ultimately it's a person decision and for myself, if I was 50 and overweight, have no energy with health problems bc of factors that could be changed with TRT, I would take the hormone replacement therapy and feel like I'm 21 again while altering the shape of my bodyAnd getting constant erections like 15-year-old boy. But everyone has to work these things out for themselves. it comes down to quality-of-life versus the length of your life remaining. Hormone replacement Think it's well worth it and normally a doctor would be monitoring you closely for other health related issues and possible Health issues from side effects of the medication so most people will be seeing the doctor more frequently at an older age. And speaking for myself I know when my test levels are in the shitter it sucks and hormone replacement normally isn't like a full cycle of steroids for some people on the site would consider but it's still a hell of an increase what the right doctor.

09-26-2016, 08:21 PM
trt is a personal decision and a lot of guys end up being scared away by a talk with a doctor who just doesn't
really have any knowledge about steroids or trt. when a person, like myself tries to educate them about
testosterone and the fact that our quality of life is in the pooper due to low-t, they don't really listen.
it's like they are so scared of using something that has been proven to be of benefit, because of all the hype
about how dangerous it is. i also get the impression that doctors do not really want people to be "cured",
because if you're cured you don't need to see them or be treated. just treat the symptoms and they'll
be back. in the case of trt it is an ongoing treatment, because as we age we no longer produce the
necessary amounts of testosterone need to give us good quality of life. in my case, at 58, i know i have low-t
just by all the symptoms. i asked the doctor to test for it, it came back at 200 ng/dl the last time. and yet he
still refuses to treat me. he ran other hormone levels as well. all were good except acth, which was low also.
so along with low-t, i have adrenal insufficiency. this was almost two months ago with the va. yet, they haven't
called or sent a letter for me to see an endocrinologist, which i have requested to see.
this is why i ultimately ended up here, as well as on another forum. i figure the doctors, aren't as concerned
about enhancing my quality of life as i am.
i have done a lot of research and considered benefits versus drawbacks, and i believe the benefits in using trt
far outweigh the cost. and even if the cost were higher, i would still do it at this point, i'd much rather live
feeling better for the next 10 or 15 years over feeling like crap for the next 30 or so years.

09-26-2016, 08:36 PM
from what i understand, the testosterone used in trt or steroids is bio-identical. thus it is the same chemical structure that we already produce. as far as the decline in other hormones as we age and rather trt will have undesirable effects. it's one of those yes and no answers. trt will affect the hypothalamus pituitary testicular axis. it will also aromatize, convert to estrogen. it can turn to dht as well, but there are treatments to help with that, which you may very well need to take even without trt. ultimately, trt is a personal chioce and each individual will have to decide rather it is right for them. don't let the doctor make your decision for you.

09-26-2016, 09:05 PM
My endo STRONGLY Emphasized that trt could speed up the onset of prostate cancer as well. I haven't seen it written here, just thaught id add that in.. kinda scares me, since my uncle (blood related) has been on TRT for a couple years and found out last year he had prostate cancer. He's 64 now.. the very first thing they did was stop his TRT. he had to have it removed, but is fine now. Not trying to scare anybody, but possibly something to think about..

11-01-2016, 02:37 PM
OK so I started body building 4 years ago I never cycled off I just cycled between different stuff. I took last year off and actually went off for 2 months and on for 2 months using clomid when off. I never noticed any effects of low T such as depression no energy anything like that. I am now getting ready for a competition in june 2017 bulking now until feb then cut. I plan on this being my last competition. I am currently 39 years old and just want to compete at the masters level (40) then be done. so my question. am i fucked now never going off the first 3 years? I know every person is different but opinions are welcome. Thanks guys

11-01-2016, 02:39 PM
if TRT causes a speed up of prostate cancer then would it be safe to say everyone using gear is at an increased risk of prostate cancer?

11-01-2016, 02:45 PM
if TRT causes a speed up of prostate cancer then would it be safe to say everyone using gear is at an increased risk of prostate cancer?
Studies have shown if you are pre-disposed to prostate cancer, using testosterone in high doses will increase your risk of said prostate cancer developing.

11-01-2016, 02:48 PM
OK so I started body building 4 years ago I never cycled off I just cycled between different stuff. I took last year off and actually went off for 2 months and on for 2 months using clomid when off. I never noticed any effects of low T such as depression no energy anything like that. I am now getting ready for a competition in june 2017 bulking now until feb then cut. I plan on this being my last competition. I am currently 39 years old and just want to compete at the masters level (40) then be done. so my question. am i fucked now never going off the first 3 years? I know every person is different but opinions are welcome. Thanks guys
No you aren't fucked. There are guys who have been blasting gear for 10 years straight and still come off. You'll either want to stay on a low dose TRT (like 200mg test cyp per week) or start eating clomid like M&Ms for many months until natural levels bounce back.

11-01-2016, 03:18 PM
Thanks for both responsed JohnDoe. Should I just keep on clomid while using or once i start to cycle properly.

11-01-2016, 03:40 PM
Thanks for both responsed JohnDoe. Should I just keep on clomid while using or once i start to cycle properly.

You CAN use clomid while on cycle and that may keep your natural production going (or try HCG...or both).

I don't know that it matters either way (whether you wait til you're off cycle to do clomid or start while on). I'm not a medical professional...not that half the doctors even know what the hell they are talking about with AAS and/or TRT anyhow.

If I were in your position, I would probably just wait until done with last competition/AAS cycle and then start HCG & Clomid ASAP. (Assuming you wish to get off Test altogether). It's going to take like 8-12 weeks before clomid will really get your natural test to an acceptable range. Not sure how much HCG will accelerate that if used in conjunction with clomid (I've only used clomid).

I know there are others who will be able to give some advice as well...

11-01-2016, 06:45 PM
Excellent post. I wish my Doc would read it. He is scared to death of this TRT stuff. I had to twist his arm just to prescribe test for me but he would only go as far as 200mg every 2 weeks - which - according to all the research is absolutely useless. As a matter of fact - it's bad because of the peaks and troughs and aromatization. I wanna go to 200 mg per week but Im scared to purchase over the net because I already lost money and I don't know what sites/who to trust. If anyone would please guide me - even thru a priv. msg. I would be so grateful.

11-01-2016, 06:47 PM
I think I posted this in the wrong place because I'm not experienced with forum boards neither.

11-01-2016, 07:31 PM
Excellent post. I wish my Doc would read it. He is scared to death of this TRT stuff. I had to twist his arm just to prescribe test for me but he would only go as far as 200mg every 2 weeks - which - according to all the research is absolutely useless. As a matter of fact - it's bad because of the peaks and troughs and aromatization. I wanna go to 200 mg per week but Im scared to purchase over the net because I already lost money and I don't know what sites/who to trust. If anyone would please guide me - even thru a priv. msg. I would be so grateful.
First of all, welcome to the brotherhood.

As far as what your doctor has prescribed...if you want to stay at 200mg per two weeks, I would at least break it up and do 100mg every week. This will be more stable than injecting every two weeks and you'll feel better.

If you are within the US (and I'm assuming you are), then you will most likely get a 10mL bottle of Watson Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/mL.

So on your syringe you would want to inject .5 (half) of a cc.

If you wish to purchase additional testosterone cypionate to supplement and do for example, 200mg/week instead of just 100mg/week, then you've found the right place.

All of the sponsors on here sell quality gear and you will indeed get what you order. Stick around here and read up...stay active and post - you will soon see what I'm saying.

I will obviously recommend you checkout ADVANCED ELITE LABS (AEL). If you go to ANABOLIC STEROID SPONSORS you will see them listed within that section. They are DOMESTIC USA. They have a minimum purchase amount of $100 but FREE shipping.

There are other domestic USA sponsors on this board as well who have quality gear. IFBB SUPPLIES, ELITE GENETICS, and so on...check them out as well.

If you have questions in regards to TRT, go ahead and post them here and we will try to help you brother.

11-30-2016, 04:05 AM
AFter they took out his prostate, did he get back on it?

12-10-2016, 04:47 AM
Just want to thank the OP and all who contributed to this thread. I have much to learn and many questions.

12-11-2016, 12:16 PM
from my understanding, and i may be wrong on this, but estrogen level play a bigger role in rather one may get cancer or not. men with bph are not necessarily predisposed to getting prostate cancer. i do not believe that the lower dose of trt would lead to it either. i do believe that each person needs to watch their estrogen levels, and keep them in check. i do not think the doctors will consider checking for this, since in men, estrogen is usually not consider in the overall assessment of their trt problems.

old fart
12-25-2016, 04:29 PM
Nice educational read...

01-09-2017, 05:26 PM
great read

02-23-2017, 03:53 AM
Awesome thread. I had to get on replacement as well. Between the lost sex drive and being tired from the start of day I was in serious need. My Dr. put me on 200 a month but it wasn't where I used to be, so went to 100 a week and I feel normal again. It's strange to me though, at least in my head because I used to be a walking hard on and in a period of a year my levels just dropped.

03-07-2017, 08:30 PM
Test cypionate is most commonly prescribed for injection, at least in the US. Fortesta and Axiron are two common topical medicatons prescribed.

03-07-2017, 08:40 PM
Title: Estrogen Receptor-Dependent Regulation of Dendritic Cell Development and Function

Author(s): Laffont, Seillet, Guéry

Estrogen demonstrated once again to be important to men.

06-12-2017, 01:39 PM
Wow great article !! So much info to soak in from here definitely will be using this as a guide

06-20-2017, 04:00 AM
If im understanding your question correct, most of the time doctors will proscribe test C 200 mg.

big tom
08-09-2017, 06:12 AM
good info to us

08-09-2017, 04:35 PM
If im understanding your question correct, most of the time doctors will proscribe test C 200 mg.

thats what mine did. Test cyp 200mg once a week

12-31-2017, 08:14 PM
Great read! My Dr. also has me on Test C.

12-31-2017, 09:03 PM
I'm 41 and I've been on TRT for almost a year and it's been a struggle with the Dr. It's hard when you know more than the Doc but you can't say to much or they get suspicious about it. Mine started me on Test Cyp at 50mg's a week, not enough to do squat and has now raised it to 100mg's a week. I feel great at 200 a week so I just supplemented my script on my own and took the numbers down before blood work. My Doc is very limited on his knowledge and doesn't even run E2 numbers when doing blood work, he says it's not relevant. I pay to have my own bloods done periodically. Some guys I know that are on TRT tried the gel and had horrible results. They couldn't get a consistent Test number and it was a pain to put on daily and keep away from kids and wife. It's also a lot more expensive than injectable if you're paying for it yourself. TRT changed me for the better when I found a good number to run at. Just my .02.

12-31-2017, 10:22 PM
" it's been a struggle with the Dr. It's hard when you know more than the Doc but you can't say to much or they get suspicious about it."

I completely agree as i have the same issue. My wife has been to a couple appt. with me and cant stand him and says he's not a Dr. he doesnt try and have a conversation or anything just sits at his computer checking boxes. I may start looking for a new Dr. but who knows the next one my be worse. I am Also underdosed at 200mg every 2 weeks and dont feel as good as when i do weekly inj.

05-22-2020, 01:20 PM
thanks for the great info.

05-22-2020, 02:18 PM
Appreciate the post brother! I’m 63 been on TRT a year now fortunately I have a good doc started me at 200ml weekly Test Cypriot also Anastrazol and CJC 1295 Ipamorlin. They keep me well supplied for the cost they ought to. I’ve cut 45 lbs over the course of the year and put on lean muscle it’s best investment I’ve ever made in myself! I also keep my test up pretty high blood work review came back a bit on the high side test 3045 free test 81.no problem though said keep the status quo retest 6 weeks said be sure to stop minimum of 72 hours or more prior to testing said he wasn’t going to cut my dosage. I have to be a little smarter on cut back prior to test. It’s made a tremendous change in multiple areas of my personal health and strength. I’m switching to HGH next week I’m outsourcing and adding Masteron excited as hell to see the change in progress in the Gym. Anyway it great to be a part of BOP learning from those who’ve gone before me!

06-27-2020, 09:43 PM
Im 34 yes 34 and on TRT for about a year now, my sex drive has always been low and Dr's have always pushed the issue aside as they have no idea.
One Dr even said eat healthier and I'll grow out of it lol.
I found one good Dr who sent me to do two separate blood test over 3 months saw my results then sent me to a endocrinologist who did multiple blood tests, MRI scans on the brain to come back to me and say that im naturally low, so now im on TRT and feel great my sex drive is up I sleep better, Im more active I just feel good and normal
I stopped the TRT 3 weeks ago to take HCG only as my wife and I are trying to have a baby.
I was recommended to stop for 3 months and just stay on HCG as the results will be better then with both combined.So find a good Dr and wish me luck
Thanks for the read

06-28-2020, 08:51 AM
good luck and perhaps stopping trt isnt needed to still make a baby, many do it with clomid, hcg and HMG and HIGH mictonutrient count supplements and food.

09-23-2020, 01:23 AM
So I’ve been off testosterone for maybe 6 months and using clomid under the direction of my pcp which I’ll see tomorrow for blood work and will be asking to switch back to test as I’ve been sluggish, tired all the time. Clomid just doesn’t do it for me. I’m 58 don’t workout (or very little) due to be tired all the time I just need it to get going. When taking it in the past @ 10mg a week I was fine for an old guy lol. Any advice from the experts here is greatly welcomed. Just need to find a reliable source as we know it’s pricey at CVS etc. I’ve had success in the past with a couple here just need fast shipping is all. Hopefully this is ok to post in this forum if not please remove. Thank you

10-09-2020, 04:40 PM
Great read thank you .

06-16-2021, 06:34 PM
Appreciate the read. Very excited to see the benefits of TRT

02-25-2022, 07:52 PM
Hi all was wondering if anyone on here had used nolvadex for gyno irritation on TRT dosing.
Protocol is test cyp 44 mg EOD HCG 500 iu every 5th day. I can even look at anastrozole without symtoms from it. My e2 at this dose is in the low 40s which is no big deal and my estrone is in normal range as well.
The doctor switched me to nolvadex and I was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions with dosing it.
I have low SHBG so an AI ready tanks me when I use them. I'm guessing I'd need a small dose of nolva to try.
Any suggestions from anyone who's ran it?

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10-24-2023, 05:51 PM
I'm 53 and asked my Dr. to test my testosterone levels which came back on the low end of the suggested levels (Total Test 8.9 nmol/L (appropriate levels were between 8.4 - 28.9 nmol/L) & Free Test 202 pmol/L (appropriate levels were 179 - 475 pmol/L)). Even with these low levels and my shitty symptoms my Dr. refused to put me on TRT...so I fired the asshole! The Canadian healthcare system is complete BS! I just hired another Dr. who was shocked at the low levels and my previous Dr.'s refusal - he just put me on 200 mg/wk of Test C!!! Hopefully this helps my symptoms!

11-05-2023, 02:32 AM
very informative,Auger