View Full Version : Powerlifting with Degenerative Disc Disease

02-28-2013, 08:41 PM
I was recently diagnosed with DDD as a result of a herniated disc in my lower back that occurred about 6 years ago. It was exasperated by a deadlift injury from December 2011. The doc says the damaged tissue is 50% degenerated at this point and looks like an over-used 40 yr old's back (I'm 30). Ever since then I can't remember a single day I haven't gone without pain. It's put one hell of a damper on getting PRs in any lift, especially deads and squats.

I've tried acupuncture, deep tissue massage, physical therapy, etc. and I've obviously heavily modified my training such that I don't do heavy squats or deadlifts anymore. I'm currently on a heavily modified DC training routine, which obviously isn't powerlifting specific, but the liberal use of machines has helped me maintain size and strength without crippling myself.

I'm curious to know if there's any other PLers that are dealing with a similar situation. What have you used to reduce the pain and get back on with the heavy lifts? Have you been able to compete with the injury?

03-02-2013, 02:12 AM
I'm not a PL but I have two herniated disk in my lower back. I train around it. No deads or squats. I do hack squats. I also take 800 mg ibuprofen a few times a day to help with the pain. I've done it all though. Chiro, Accupuncture, Vax-D, physical therapy, etc. They were just temporary pain relief. I just train carefully and try not to strain while using my lower back. Also, strengthening your core, obliques, and lower back help to keep it stable. Anyways, I feel your pain but its not over. My doc suggested surgery and I said no way and I'm still lifting. Sometimes I'll tweak it and have to take it easy for a few days but overall it's been good the past six months to me.

03-04-2013, 04:38 PM
Thanks for the feedback -- even if the conclusion is that it's a tricky thing to treat while still lifting heavy. I'm still being stubborn with some movements so I've adjusted -- for example conventional deadlifts destroy the injury, but I can get away with trap bar deadlifts. I can do some light squatting, but I use leg press for the heavy stuff. It's just not the same as old fashion heavy-ass free weights. I've been putting a lot of focus into core work as well. My therapist even has me doing planks, which I find somewhat blasphemous, but they seem to help the pain so I'm going to keep on doing them.

I've considered the surgery route, but I don't know how long I'd be out of the gym and whether or not it'd even allow me to start lifting properly again some day.

03-04-2013, 06:15 PM
Same Circumstance with me bro.Blew out my L4 &L5 Deadlifting back in 2004.. Went though all kinds of pain management for about 2 yrs. only thing that got me was a addiction to vicodine and,percicet! I stayed away from any Lower back exercise's and strenthen your supporting and stabilizing Muscles.im 53 now and dont go so heavy as i used too! But I learned how to live with and work around my Degenertive disc problem.It Sucks But it Doesnt stop Me from working out because Thats what i love to do!

03-05-2013, 12:47 AM
You'll be out probably six months if you have surgery. At least that's what I've been told. Even then, you probably won't lift heavy for a year and will rehab for the first six months back. I would avoid surgery at all costs. My doc even suggested non-invasive surgery and still said I'd be out of work for 3-6 months. That's just work. He probably won't approve any heavy lifting for close to a year. Keep doing what you're doing and as long as you can handle the pain then id stick with it. It's mainly about managing the pain and not getting rid of it. Well at least that's been my experience. Good luck bro!