View Full Version : oral aas bioavability

03-05-2013, 03:17 AM
Should orals be taken with meals or on an empty stomach?

I know the manufactures of some prohormones recommend taking them with a fatty meal or with a fatty snack such as cheese to increase the absorbition.

What do you guys do?

big paul ski started a thread on Oral steroids- Ways of Increasing Bioavailability http://www.brotherhoodofpain.com/showthread.php?7310-Oral-steroids-Ways-of-Increasing-Bioavailability

In it he mentions taking Tagmet, an otc stomach acid reducer, to increase absorbition by 10% and decrease clearance time by 20- 50%. Has anyone tried this?

03-05-2013, 06:47 AM
IMO You are best to take oral steroids on an empty stomach.

Taking it with food can decrease its bioavailability - which is caused by the fat-soluble nature of steroid hormones.

Most medicines are absorbed faster if they are taken on empty stomach. They pass faster through stomach to small intestine where most of the absorption occurs.

My first choice would be on an empty stomach if any kind of discomfort or nausea occurs add the orals to your meals.

Very good article bps posted I just reread it.... I don't know about the Tagamet, but the Grapefruit juice is correct.

03-05-2013, 06:55 AM
sometimes it may depend on the person , a friend of mine gets extremely bad heartburn if he takes var and doesnt eat something with it