View Full Version : Bicep Muscle Function and Physiology

03-19-2013, 03:47 PM
Before you can build amazing biceps you should know how the biceps are formed and how the biceps function. By understanding how the biceps are comprised of, and how the biceps function you can maximize the results that you can obtain at the gym.

Bicep Function

The bicep has several functions. The most important functions of the bicep is to rotate the forearm (supination) and to flex the elbow.

Bicep Physiology

The Biceps are comprised of three major muscles:

The bicep brachii, which consists of two parts, the long head and short head and .
The Bicep barchialis, which lies under the biceps biceps Brachi and Biceps Brachialisbrachi.
the brachioradialis is the connector muscle between the main bicep and forearm muscle.

Muscles Worked when Performing Bicep Curls Target

Biceps Brachii




Deltoid, Anterior
Trapezius, Upper
Trapezius, Middle
Levator Scapulae
Wrist Flexors

Bicep Workout

The biceps should be worked out once every 4 to 5 days and no more. It is a small muscle that can be easily overtrained if not given enough recovery time.

It is my preference to work biceps after back, because

the biceps are needed to complete the back workout.
the biceps are warmed up when first working back and
by performing biceps with back, you can get the most rest and recovery time in between workouts.

Bicep Workout Tips

Perform all repetitions (reps) s to failure. This means performing the exercise until you cannot lift anymore weight.
Control the weight at all times.
Do not arch your back or swing the weight up!
Do not lock out your arms at the bottom of the curl
Warm up by using a light set of dumbbells.

Always finish your workout with enough reps to give your biceps a great "pump". What is this "pump"? The "pump" is a commonly used bodybuilding term that refers to an event in the gym when when your muscles swell up beyond their normal size by a considerable amount. Your muscle that has "the pump" will look bigger, and likely appear more vascular and more defined. The leaner you are the more differences you will see. This pump is normally fast to achieve when your body is properly nourished, and you are working out hard, squeezing the muscles on each rep, Oxygen and nutrients will continually to be brought into the area being exercised during intense weight training activity. Blood is forced into the area being exercised but not drawn out. This extra blood stays in there for some period, causing it to swell and appear noticeably bigger. A reason why many people like to pump up before they pose for a picture is to take advantage of this difference in size which occurs

Dumbbell Bicep Curl

Grasp the dumbbell using an under handing grip (palms facing you) with your hands positioned shoulder width apart (hands should be about 18 - 22 inches apdumbbell bicep curlart.
Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart.
Allow the dumbbell to hang at arm's length in front of you, with your hands, arms, and shoulders aligned.
While focusing on your biceps and keeping your upper-arms still, raise the weights in a semi-circle upwards at a medium speed, being careful not to move the position of your elbows.
Lift the dumbbell upwards to your chest.
Once you've lifted the bar as high as you can, squeeze your biceps and then begin slowly lowering the weights down until your arms are nearly straight, again.

Standing Barbell Bicep Curl

The barbell bicep curl is the biggest bicep building exercise there is! It is one of the main exercises bodybuilders use to get those shirt busting arms.

Performimg Barbell Bicep CurlsMan performing a standard barbell bicep curl
Standing barbell bicep curls can be done with a straight barbell or an EZ Curl barbell (a special bar that is bent in such a way to minimize stress on your wrists).

Grab an EZ curl bar (or straight barbell) and add weight. You may also opt to use a pre weighted EZ curl bar.
With a wide grip palms facing toward your body, stand straight up with a straight back. Do not bend backwards.
Keep your elbows tucked into your sides.
Slowly bring the bar up towards your upper chest.
Pause at the top of the movement, and sqeeze. Feel the muscle contract and the blood flowing into the biceps.
Slowly lower the bar to the starting position.
Complete two sets of wide grip bicep curls, followed by two to three sets narrow grip bicep curls.

Barbell Bicep Curl Tips

Control the weight at all times.
Do not arch your back or swing the weight up!
Do not lock out your arms at the bottom of the curl.
Complete 8 reps then immediately grab the bar with a narrow grip and complete as many reps as possible. You may only be able to complete one or two reps that is ok, just complete as many as you can.

Bicep Seated Alternating Hammer Curls

The bicep hammer curl works the bicep muscles hard and also works your forearms pretty hard also.It can actually be done seated or standing. I prefer seated to protect my back. By doing the Bicep Hammer Curl while seated, it also allows me to remove any "cheating" from the movement. What I mean here is it allows me to maintain strict form, which works the bicep harder. this is a good recipe for quicker gains and more desirable results.

Performing the Bicep Seated Alternating Hammer Curl

Take a set of dumbbells with your arms and elbows locked by yohammer curlur side and palms facing towards your side.
Sit down on a bench or While seated bring the dumbbell up, as you would a regular curl, pause at the top and squeeze your bicep muscle hard, then slowly lowering back to starting position. While lowering the dumbbell with one arm, with the other arm bring the dumbbell up. Stop just short at the top and the bottom of the curl before locking out your arms. You want to keep the tension on your bicep at all times.
Complete four sets of 8 to 10 reps alternating each arm.

Bicep Cable Curls

I like to mix the bicep cable curl exercise into my routine for variety. While bicep cable curldoing this exercise you can choose single handle bars, a straight bar or a EZ curl attachment. All three bars can work the bicep in various ways and different angles. The key to performing this exercise is a fluid motion with a strong contraction at the top of the movement (when your arms are brought up towards your chest).

Cable exercises differ from free weights in that the cable creates tension in both direction of the bicep curl.

Note: the picture to the right shows an alternative method called the overhead cable curl.

Performing Bicep Cable Curls

Grab the preferred bar and attach it to the cable.
With a wide grip palms facing toward your body, stand straight up with a straight back. Do not bend backwards.
Keep your elbows tucked into your sides.
Slowly bring the bar up towards your upper chest .
Pause at the top of the movement, and sqeeze. Feel the muscle contract and the blood flowing into the biceps.
Slowly lower to the starting position.

Complete four sets of 8 to 10 reps. You can swicth bars and grips for variety.

Bicep Concentration Curls

The bicep concentration curl is a bicep exercise that fully isolates your bicep muscles. Isolation rmeans that none of your other muscles can help move the weight.

Performing Bicep Concentration Curls

Grab a dumbbell with a challenging weight.bicep dumbbell concentration curl
Sit on the end of a flat bench with your legs apart and leaning forward slightly.
Grab the dumbbell with one hand with your palm facing up.
While keeping your elbow locked in place against your thigh.
Keep your arm in one place, and without swinging the weight raise the weight up towards your chest.
Squeeze your bicep at the top of the movement for one count and then slowly return to the start position and repeat.
Complete four sets each arm with a dumbbell weight that will allow you to complete 8 to 12 reps.

Bottom Line Biceps

Technique is very important for building big biceps. Failure to use proper form can result in injury. Additionally, swinging the weight takes the resistance off the muscle and will derail your goals for those big "guns" we all envy.

If you concentrate on great form, work hard, and keep the intensity high I promise you will see real results. If I can build 18 inch arms at 61 years old, I am certain you can reach your goals as well.

03-19-2013, 04:23 PM
Nice read, I need forget the curls!