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View Full Version : Essential Amino Acids Either from Food or Supplementation

03-29-2013, 12:50 AM
Hey Brothers, It's Big Boi again. I figured I'd post something new this time concerning Amino Acids. I was reading an old book I have called Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy. I was reading (still reading) the Chapter on Protein today.

The list of Essential amino acids


I did some reading on the net and concluded you can get the Aminos from nuts, fish and eggs among other sources.

03-29-2013, 12:46 PM
For the EAA: Luecine and iso leucine are very important in bodybuilding, remember BCAA's are vital as well.

Different protien sources have different Amino profiles.

However, meats are complete where plant protiens are incomplete (with exception of soy)

... and aminos can get technical because there are different forms of amino acids (free, chained, hydrolyzed, Di-Tripeptides....however, a steady portion of beef and chicken keeps it simple.


The Indispensable Amino acids


A branched chain amino acid readily taken up and used for energy by muscle tissue.
Used to prevent muscle wasting in debilitated individuals
Essential in the formation of hemoglobin


A branched chain amino acid used as a source of energy
Helps reduce muscle protein breakdown
Modulates uptake of neurotransmitter precursors by the brain as well as the release of enkephalins, which inhibit the passage of pain signals into the nervous system.
Promotes healing of skin and broken bones.


A branched chain amino acid
Not processed by the liver; rather actively taken up by muscle
Influences brain uptake of other neurotransmitter precursors (trptophan, phenylalanine and tryosine).


One of the major ultraviolet absorbing compounds in the skin
Important in the production of red and white blood cells; used in the treatment of anemia
Used in the treatment of allergic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and digestive ulcers.


Low levels can slow protein synthesis, affecting muscle and connective tissue
Inhibits viruses; used in the treatment of herpes simplex
Lysine and Vitamin C together form L-carnitine, a biochemical that enables muscle tissue to use oxygen more efficiently, delaying fatigue
Aids bone growth by helping form collagen, the fibrous protein that makes up bone, cartilage and other connective tissue.


Precursor of cystine and creatine
May increase antioxidant levels (glutathione) and reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Helps remove toxic wastes from the liver and assists in the regeneration of liver and kidney tissue


The major precursor of tyrosine
Enhances learning, memory, mood and alertness
Used in the treatment of some types of depression
Is a major element in the production of collagen
Suppresses appetite


One of the amino detoxifers
Helps prevent fatty buildup in the liver
Important component of collagen
Generally low in vegetarians


Precursor of key neurotransmitter serotonin, which exerts a calming effect
Stimulates the release of growth hormones
Free form of this amino acid is unavailable in the U.S.
It is only available in natural food sources

Conditionally Dispensable Amino Acids


Can increase secretion of insulin, glucagon, growth hormones
Aids in injury rehabilitation, formation of collagen and immune system stimulation.
Precursor of creatine, gamma amino butric acid (GABA, a neurotransmitter in the brain)
May increase sperm count and T-lymphocyte response


Detoxifies harmful chemicals in combination with L-aspartic acid and L-citruline
Helps prevent damage from alcohol and tobacco use
Stimulates white blood cell activity


Precursor of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine, as well as thyroid and growth hormones and melanin (the pigment responsible for skin and hair color).
Elevates mood

Dispensable Amino Acids


Major component of connective tissue
Key intermediate in the glucose alanine cycle, which allows muscles and other tissues to derive energy from amino acids
Helps build up the immune system

Aspartic Acid

Helps convert carbohydrates into muscle energy
Builds immune system immunoglobulins and antibodies
Reduces ammonia levels after exercises


Contributes to strong connective4e tissue and tissue antioxidant actions
Aids in healing processes, stimulates white blood cell activity and helps diminish pain from inflammation
Essential for the formation of skin and hair

Glutamic Acid

A major precursor of glutamine, proline, ornothine, arginine, glutathione, and GABA
A potential source of energy
Important in brain metabolism and metabolism of other amino acids.


Most abundant amino acid
Plays a key role in immune system functions
An important source of energy, especially for kidneys and intestines during caloric restrictions.
A brain fuel that is an aid to memory and a stimulant to intelligence and concentration


Aids in the manufacture of other amino acids and is a part of the structure of hemoglobin and cytochromes (enzymes involved in energy production)
Has a calming effect and is sometimes used to treat manic depressive and aggressive individuals
Produces glucagon, which mobilizes glycogen
Can inhibit sugar cravings


May help increase growth hormone secretion in high doses
Aids in immune and liver function
Promotes healing


A major component in the formation of connective tissue and heart muscle
Readily mobilized for muscular energy
Major constituent of collagen


Important in cells' energy production
Aids memory and nervous system function
Helps builds up immune system by producing immuno-globulins and antibodies


Aids in the absorption and elimination of fats
May act as a neurotransmitter in some areas of the brain and retina

03-29-2013, 12:53 PM
I would say a good protein spiked with 3-5 grams leucine and Ur good.

03-30-2013, 04:26 PM
Okay, good information to know.

04-04-2013, 05:45 PM
Anybody who's put the time in the weight room busting your ass Know's the Importance of EAA'S. I'm a big Advacate of BCAA'S.Along with my regular protein intake i add 20gm of BCAA to it. Does the Body Good!!!

04-04-2013, 07:10 PM
Anybody who's put the time in the weight room busting your ass Know's the Importance of EAA'S. I'm a big Advacate of BCAA'S.Along with my regular protein intake i add 20gm of BCAA to it. Does the Body Good!!!


04-04-2013, 07:58 PM

04-08-2013, 12:02 AM
This clears a lot up