View Full Version : lat sore after delt day?

04-09-2013, 04:38 PM
I don't know why but my right lat is sore after delt day?

And am I not doing enough sets or reps? Because my muscles
Rarely get sore. I have to blast out like 2sets of 50reps to get soreness.

My shoulder routine is
Either Smith machine military press
Set 1 135 15-20reps
Set 2 185 8-10reps
Set 3 205 8-10reps
Set 4 225 8-10reps
Set 5 245 8-10reps

Set 6 225 8-10reps
Set 7 185 8-10 reps
Set 8 135 15-20reps


DB press
Set 1 60lbs 10reps
set 2 70 10reps
set 3 80 10 reps
Set 4 90 8-10 reps
Set 5 100lb 8-10

Front raises 35lbs 4sets of 8-10
Side raises 35lbs 4sets of 8-10
Rear flyswatter 30lbs 4 sets 8-10

Wide grip upright rows with 100lb straight bar
3sets of 8-10reps

I switch every week from the DB presses to Smith presses.
and back and forth from DB to cables ever other week.

Note I don't work our like this

04-09-2013, 04:39 PM
Note I don't work out like this while off cycle.

04-09-2013, 05:03 PM
I don't think I'd do anymore than that bro, I know I don't do quite that much but everyone is different. Your shoulders are going to get a little love when working other muscle groups even if on an isolation routine. Try throwing in some drop sets or using other methods to increase intensity. As far as your lat goes, when did you work it last?

04-09-2013, 05:17 PM
Lats will be done Thursday. Monday-shouldersTue-armsWed-legsThurs-backFri-chest

04-09-2013, 05:26 PM
Oh even with drop sets I barely get sore.

04-09-2013, 05:51 PM
hmmmm....i wish you could come train light weights with me! lol.....are you using any form of tempo control during these sets? Tempo can completely change a workout and reduce set numbers because of more duration of set time (longer muscle tension)

so whats total set number for press and total set number for latteral movements?

I notice alot of people do posterior delt on shoulder day, I hit posteriors on back day....your going to be getting them anyways on back. why not capitalize....so in affect all the rear delt fly or reverse fly db would be done on back day, these movements also get rhomboid so it makes more sense from a physiological standpoint.

I noticed you have no front raises...THIS IS A GOOD THING!
That poor ol anterior delt gets blasted on chesr day from presses anyways.


Intensity at 70-75% (10-12 range)

One set at 6-8 sec negative, and explosion positive
Next set at 2 sec nefative, and 6-8 sec positive (strict)
Next set at contsant tempo on both sides of movement

....remember , muscle soreness is not a indicator of proper stimualtion, only of conditioning.

EDIT: overlooked frontraises in your original post

04-09-2013, 05:55 PM
Lats will be done Thursday. Monday-shouldersTue-armsWed-legsThurs-backFri-chest

This is a good a split. excellent.

04-09-2013, 06:13 PM
I usually do a sorta slow movement at first
Say first 3 or 4 reps then ramp it up slow negative explosive positive
For the last of the reps for that set.

Every third week I do super sets and drop sets on my routine
Example - DB press being a compound. Movement
Super setted with front raises being isolation movement
So on and so on

I do do front raises. Cuz my chest day is Friday.
This is my advanced routine while on cycle
When I'm off I do a
Tuesday -legs
Thursday -shoulders&triceps
Friday -back&traps
Sat&Sunday. Off

04-09-2013, 06:14 PM
Yeah I read about behind the neck presses being bad for your
rotator cuff / shoulder.

04-09-2013, 06:24 PM
EDIT: I went back and looked and seen the front raise. Hey if your not overtraining the anterior, go ahead. I eliminated them. All focus on medials aside from presses.

got to go to work now! be back later

you may do chest friday, but you come back on shoulders two days after chest! some people are fine with it, but I found most have a performance increase on chest days when they are eliminated.

off to work

04-09-2013, 06:31 PM
If your form ain't 100% on heavy pressing moves, its possible to get the lats involved.. if your elbow moves forward during a really heavy over head press, you can involve your lats to a degree. Try keeping them elbows back would be my guess...

04-09-2013, 06:39 PM
Try reverse flies