View Full Version : Nandrolone/Deca pros/cons

02-02-2024, 01:39 AM
As you can all tell by some of my previous posts... I'm all about trying to stay pain and injury free...

I love how nandrolone helps dial the pain levels down a few notches and provides a bit more on the top end of max output for strength...

Yet on the flip side of cons... It hammers my cardiovascular as well as my mental state of being... I notice I'm much more depressive and less engaged when on such... I also notice I'm more prone to see stars and/or blackout on heavy exertion and lose a bit of the fluidity of doing higher rep work because I have to breathe and reset more frequently... (I can hold my breath/brace and hammer more reps without).

When I remove nandrolone I improve greatly on the mental scale, but then my pain levels of things begins creeping up and eventually has me hopping back on.

It's like choosing to sacrifice mental health to gain a bit of relief from the physical pain, I constantly go back and forth between none and some. 125mg/wk is enough to keep things at bay but honestly I'd wish to not even utilize such at all...

I've been running nandrolone for the past 6 years straight, so when I take a break I'm telling you I really notice the difference mentally! But they're usually short breaks as being in less pain lends well to lifting heavy, but again... it's at the cost of my mental health and that has been the trade off.

02-02-2024, 02:24 PM
I am a nandrolone guy also but I’ve never gotten any negative mental sides from it. I typically run test cyp/deca year round and just increase the dose and/or add other compounds when I blast. I recently switched to all short esters and have been concentrating on bringing bf down. I made a full of test prop/npp end of the year and loved it. I’m 41 and I feel like the shorter esters process easier and leave me with more energy. I don’t get the worn out, tired feeling I get when running higher doses of cyp and deca and I’m not retaining as much fluid.

02-02-2024, 02:48 PM
Double post..

02-02-2024, 04:50 PM
NPP is my go to compound, I really do t get sides from it even when running it at 600mg

02-02-2024, 06:51 PM
my anxiety actually increases when off npp & my joint pain increases tremendously
tren ups my anxiety though.

02-02-2024, 07:03 PM
I run deca year round, if I do not I suffer from extreme shoulder pain, especially at night. With that being said you would be surprised at how little it takes to achieve joint relief. I run under a 100mgs a week and at that dose I experience no negative sides with full nandrolone benefits.

02-02-2024, 07:50 PM
my anxiety actually increases when off npp & my joint pain increases tremendously
tren ups my anxiety though.

It's got anxiolytic properties and I have anxiety issues too so I notice a relief of such, unfortunately if I do too much then it blunts me emotionally. It's said to have some type of action upon the dopamine receptors in relation to blocking or decreasing (I'm going off of memory so I'm probably getting it wrong and would have to relook)... That's why there's many reports of nandrolone and depression... I've been doing it for years and haven't really ran into much issue up until recently that it became noticeable, but I think that's just due to age and becoming more sensitive and having to run less and less.

02-02-2024, 08:33 PM
It's got anxiolytic properties and I have anxiety issues too so I notice a relief of such, unfortunately if I do too much then it blunts me emotionally. It's said to have some type of action upon the dopamine receptors in relation to blocking or decreasing (I'm going off of memory so I'm probably getting it wrong and would have to relook)... That's why there's many reports of nandrolone and depression... I've been doing it for years and haven't really ran into much issue up until recently that it became noticeable, but I think that's just due to age and becoming more sensitive and having to run less and less.

02-03-2024, 10:00 PM
I found the following snippet to be quite interesting (copy pasted from Anabolic androgenic steroids and central monoaminergic systems : Supratherapeutic doses of nandrolone decanoate affect dopamine and serotonin (https://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A172399&dswid=8075) )

"Taken together, subchronic administration of nandrolone decanoate causes dopaminergic and serotonergic dysregulations in distinct brain regions. These areas of the brain are involved in the development of drug dependence and expression of impulsive and aggressive behaviours. These results may contribute to explain some of the behavioural changes often reported in AAS abusers, such as polydrug use and impaired impulse control."

Which confirms my theory and seems to be another caveat because in the past I've had issues with alcohol, I've limited myself to just buying myself a 6 pack that way that's the max limit of what I'll drink in a night (used to be big bottles of liquor but it's too easy to not stop), I noticed after having quit nandrolone for a while my urge to drink greatly dissipated and I was only having 2 or 3 a night and not even feeling like I even needed those... But after a recent injection 2 nights ago, well last night I crushed all 6 and wanted more (but obviously won't go beyond because I still have the capacity for control and don't buy more because if it's there I'm more likely to not stop), and today I've noticed that I'm yearning/looking forward to tonight's beer where usually it's not even on my mind... So in my case the above definitely plays in...

On the flip side I had a pretty bad case of sciatica recently develop (things like that or of a messed up nerves type of nature come and go there's always something somewhere hurting) but post nandrolone injection it's practically gone and non-existent so it's ability to greatly reduce any type of pain is phenomenal.

I don't think deca effects everyone to such an extent but for me it is definitely noticeable

02-04-2024, 09:25 PM
I have run Deca in most every cycle i have done for the past 15 or so years,it makes a huge difference in how much my shoulders hurt. Luckily i have never had any negative side effects,not even gyno issues.

02-04-2024, 09:53 PM
It's got anxiolytic properties and I have anxiety issues too so I notice a relief of such, unfortunately if I do too much then it blunts me emotionally. It's said to have some type of action upon the dopamine receptors in relation to blocking or decreasing (I'm going off of memory so I'm probably getting it wrong and would have to relook)... That's why there's many reports of nandrolone and depression... I've been doing it for years and haven't really ran into much issue up until recently that it became noticeable, but I think that's just due to age and becoming more sensitive and having to run less and less.

yes on the age thing, I am almost 50 & had 0 emotional sides until I hit 48.

02-04-2024, 11:19 PM
yes on the age thing, I am almost 50 & had 0 emotional sides until I hit 48.
I’ve noticed in my older age, 41, I cannot handle doses or compounds I used to. Makes me think though, is it just maturity? I mean, I could drink till 2am and be on the job at 6am when I was in my 20s and 30s.. do you think in our older age we are just more dialed in or just have less tolerance for anything uncomfortable?

Dbol, I used to live dbol!! Makes my stomach a little uneasy now.. so I won’t run it.

02-04-2024, 11:36 PM
I’ve noticed in my older age, 41, I cannot handle doses or compounds I used to. Makes me think though, is it just maturity? I mean, I could drink till 2am and be on the job at 6am when I was in my 20s and 30s.. do you think in our older age we are just more dialed in or just have less tolerance for anything uncomfortable?

Dbol, I used to live dbol!! Makes my stomach a little uneasy now.. so I won’t run it.

As you both have noted, it's def the age shindig! I used to be able to run tren-e at 400mg/wk and could tough it out til the indigestion and insomnia would hit me like a hammer about 4-5 weeks in but that was still a decent run with it.... then I lowered down to 200mg/wk in short bursts after that, then down 100mg/wk, then even at 50mg/wk it just made me feel like crap mentally and I still have unused vials that I just see no point in using...

Even with good ol' classic test, if I'm doing a high mg shot I gotta be sure to inject in the morning, if I inject at night it's too stimulating and I find it hard to fall asleep, I never used to have this issue but now that has been a new thing this past year elsewise I used to inject before bed and then clonk out but not so now.

I think our body tolerances get less and less, but I'm fine with that, because even though I used to run more in the past... the base of time and consistency is there and me on far less is still way further along than my previous self years back on higher mg's of compounds!

I swear it used to be I could be on different things and not really notice anything other than on the strength and energy side of things... But now I'm way more sensitive and everything is a bit more pronounced so anytime I try out a compound now I really can feel just how different each compound is whereas before it'd be so minute that it'd be hardly noticeable.

02-05-2024, 11:41 PM
imo i just got old & sensitive����