View Full Version : why does this happen ? by exo

02-19-2024, 05:56 PM
this is a quick write up i did recently so thought i'd share here

Cialis / Viagra how and why
i'll help explain the side affects in an easy to understand way for everyone

-the reason they can cause diarrhea and or upset stomach is because it can increase the blood flow to the digestive system and stimulates an off set of gut motility, gut movement, bacteria and just an over all disruption of your natural balance !

-the reason you get heartburn is because again just like it fucks with the gut and its smooth muscle tissue it continues this up at the esophagus and relaxes it so the acid is free to flow back up instead of holding it down like normal. normally your lower esophageal sphincter constricts and keeps it closed

-stuffy nose is from the blood vessels widening and increasing nitric oxide

-headaches are from the blood vessels widening and causing a rush of blood to the head.

i too get these from either one, stuffy nose, headache, acid reflux, diarrhea when used daily at a higher dosage.
taking prilosec, drinking water, and fiber helps.
so, to combat sides lower the dosage and don't take daily


02-19-2024, 07:05 PM
Good info EXO! Thanks!

02-19-2024, 09:37 PM
Yup, cialis destroys me!! I can take it for a day or two if the wife and I are going on vacation but then I have to stop. First time I started taking it eod as a supplement for the gym my throat felt like it was swollen shut, after some research found out some of the info list above.

Good info here Exo!