View Full Version : Dumbass question about TNE/DBOL/DROL

05-29-2013, 05:48 AM
Alright guys, I got some TNE/DBOL/DROL on the way. The reviews of its preworkout kick was too much for me to pass it up.
I'm on week 7 of a cycle that started with a Test blend 400 and Tren E with Anavar. Now I have dropped the Tren and started NPP and anavar.
Total grams are about 1000 test, 400 NPP and ~ 150 Anavar a week.

I want to start the TNE/DBOL/DROL on workout days. Is this going to fuck me up in anyway with all the compounds? Should I drop something since I'm adding so many now?

Thats 5 tests, NPP, anavar, DBOL and anadrol.

05-29-2013, 06:55 AM
It's gonna trash your lipids, the Anavar probably has already though ha. I'm sure I'll be great pre workout though

05-29-2013, 04:43 PM
Alright guys, I got some TNE/DBOL/DROL on the way. The reviews of its preworkout kick was too much for me to pass it up.
I'm on week 7 of a cycle that started with a Test blend 400 and Tren E with Anavar. Now I have dropped the Tren and started NPP and anavar.
Total grams are about 1000 test, 400 NPP and ~ 150 Anavar a week.

I want to start the TNE/DBOL/DROL on workout days. Is this going to fuck me up in anyway with all the compounds? Should I drop something since I'm adding so many now?

Thats 5 tests, NPP, anavar, DBOL and anadrol.

From what i can gather here., Your dropping and Adding Compounds in your current cycle? Why are you dropping the TrenE for NPP Now? Personnally,I run all my set compounds together for the duration of the cycle.I dont change up compounds inbetween.Another problem with adding too many Hormone's, is the compounds will be fighting each other for room on your bodys androgen receptors,so they will loss effectiveness.But i wouldnt add the TNE/DBOL now.Save that for another cycle Brother.

05-29-2013, 05:17 PM
As far as the tren goes, 6-8 weeks is about as long as I can keep my blood pressure under control before it begins to stay elevated. I take BP meds so I keep a close eye on it.
Mad far as adding NPP it appears it can also be used in a cutting cycle so instead of finishing out my last 4 weeks (12 week cycle) with test blend I decided to add NPP and stretch my cycle to 14-16 weeks.

Thanks a lot for your input.

One last question. If the TNE/DBOL/DROL is a no go, you think just TNE after my cycle would be cool on workout days? I am on TRT so I usually keep at 400 mg cyp in me a week.


05-29-2013, 05:29 PM
Remember Test is test. It is only considered 1 compound no matter how many different esters you take.

Test NPP Anavar are enough compounds for somebody our age

TNE alone would be fine for preworkout and there would be nothing wrong with adding that in pre workout.. but IMO I just think your on too much Test.. Raise the NPP lower the Test. I've always found less Test in a stack gives me lower side effects while bumping up the other compound gives me better results.

05-29-2013, 05:48 PM
Thanks Superbee for the comment.

But for clarification, are you talking about the TNE as part of my current cycle or as part of my in between cycles and used as my TRT protocol ?

05-29-2013, 05:56 PM
Oh I read that wrong.

Yeah nothing wrong with adding to your TRT protocol. I wouldn't do a high dose. On my TRT I pin HCG 2x a week at 200iu and donate blood every 8 weeks. I then add in my other compounds for a cycle twice a year. Never have any sexual sides like I use to years ago when I was on Test only. I use to pin Suspension when I first started TRT about 3x a week. Low dose around 80mg which is all I needed to get me raging in the gym. You may need more around 100mg. Try it out and let me know when you come off

05-29-2013, 05:58 PM
One thing I might add. If your doing your TRT with a long ester, try doing more frequent injections when adding in the no ester.

05-29-2013, 06:10 PM
Ok bro that's some good info. My normal TRT is 400 mg cyp week. My blood showed Test levels at around 1200, just out of the high range.

Hitting the TNE preworkout would be a nice kick plus I would be getting my TRT at the same time.

BTW, all my gear for the last ~ 10 years has been home brew. I've had no interest in purchasing until I joined this board and saw all the domestic suppliers.

I'll refer back to this thread when I come off and let you know how the TNE is working as a cruise.

Thanks again

05-29-2013, 07:44 PM
Keep us updated when you get it bro. Interested to see how the inj dbol and adrol works while cutting