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View Full Version : rmkicks run of CM's Test P & NPP

06-05-2013, 12:16 PM
Let me begin this log with stating that due to several issues, I've been unable to workout for the past 4 weeks and feeling kinda weak and lack motivation due to loss of weight and high blood pressure.
So, with that being said, I've decided to run a short easter Test P and NPP cycle with products from Chemical Muscle.
I'll be working out with a personal trainer 2 days a week, 2 days by myself and cardio 2 days.
Complete physical was just completed by my doctor and everything was good except cholesterol was slightly high
Labs will be conducted after week 4.
Workout will be posted as I progress
Blood pressure and Prostate must be monitored closely

Any comments would be welcomed.

Beginning stats
43 yrs old
185 lbs

Goal is to gain 10+ lbs of lean mass

6 whole food meals a day
Total Carb 264g
Total Protein 282g
Total Fat 115g
Total Calories 3300

Week 1-4
100 mg TP eod / 100 mg NPP eod and 40 mg TBOL ed (All products by Chemical Muscle)
.5 mg Caber e4d (MP)
.5 mg Armidex e3d (CM)
5 mg Cialis ed (Probably will discontinue use soon. Just doing a little experiment)
Weeks 5-12 will most likely be TP and NPP only with mg adjustments as needed

I take the following supplements and meds daily
5 mg Norvasc for high blood pressure
40 mg Nexium for acid reflux
Multi vitamin
Liver support
Prostate support
Fish oil

Day 1 6/3/13
100 mg TP, 100 mg NPP and 30 mg TBOL
First pin was smooth as hell no pip what so ever
Due to not being in the gym for a month, workout was very light
Blood pressure 122/67 heart rate 75

06-05-2013, 01:49 PM
Nice looking cycle brother.. You will not be disappointed CM has some excellent products. I will be sub to this to see your results..

06-05-2013, 02:11 PM
You'll love the npp brotha!

06-05-2013, 02:35 PM
Good luck.

06-05-2013, 02:44 PM
Erik's stuff is potent. You wont be lacking in that area or in the smoothness department. I cant wait to see the results. You will be satisfied.

06-05-2013, 03:39 PM
Why are you taking 5mg cialis everyday? Are you having that much issue with ED that you need cialis everyday? Cialis lasts me 3 days when I take it. As long as I got test in me I find I don't need it. I understand 5mg is small but people that have high blood pressure have to watch it on Cialis because it messes with it. I know I have to be very careful on Viagra, Cialis etc cause I take meds for BP.

2) .5 Arimidex EOD seems a little soon to me at 100mg test EOD. My concern would be driving estrogen too low. Maybe .5 Arimidex every 3rd day?

I am currently running a very similar cycle.........test,NPP, Anavar

And my scripts are similar..........nexium, BP meds, cholesterol meds

I'm 45 years old

Just throwing it out there for consideration brah

06-05-2013, 04:15 PM
Smoove. Good call on the arimidex. I'll make the adjustment.
The 5 mg cials was given to me by my doctor who I see for the high blood pressure. He doesn't see it as a problem with my bp med but, he doesn't know I'm on the test. I probably won't take the cialis every day, just doing a little experiment. LOL
Thanks for looking out Smoove, your a good bro.

06-05-2013, 04:56 PM
No problem man, at our age with BP issues we can't afford to fool around with it. Good luck and I hope you meet your goals!

06-05-2013, 10:08 PM
Im on NPP and Sust right now. Running it for 16 weeks. im on week 6 and im loving NPP so far! Mines not from a sponsor though.

06-05-2013, 10:16 PM
I havent used caber, but I dont know that youll actually need it unless you get problems from the npp, itd be one less thing in your system.
I dont know if you take baby aspirin, but its cheap and usually good for a couple point drop in bp.
I take cialis every other to every third day in small doses as well to help bp, but Im not taking any scrip bp meds. I freaked out when my bp got up to 168/82 after 4 weeks on test and eq without any supps for bp, dropping my caffeine intake some and increasing the fish oil, adding the aspirin and the cialis dropped me 30points in less than 3 weeks.

06-05-2013, 10:26 PM
on another note while I like the prop and enanthate ive been taking, so far nothing made me feel as "good" psychologically as sust. It kicked in fast, sides were low, I felt more rested with less sleep, and sex drive was badass without cialis or other compounds with boner effects. I got enough e for a while, but when im out im going to hit up that sust again and compare whether it was just in my head, cuz that shit was great.

06-05-2013, 10:27 PM
on another note while I like the prop and enanthate ive been taking, so far nothing made me feel as "good" psychologically as sust. It kicked in fast, sides were low, I felt more rested with less sleep, and sex drive was badass without cialis or other compounds with boner effects. I got enough e for a while, but when im out im going to hit up that sust again and compare whether it was just in my head, cuz that shit was great.

This is my first time we Sust and i really like it also!

06-06-2013, 02:33 AM
I havent used caber, but I dont know that youll actually need it unless you get problems from the npp, itd be one less thing in your system.
I dont know if you take baby aspirin, but its cheap and usually good for a couple point drop in bp.
I take cialis every other to every third day in small doses as well to help bp, but Im not taking any scrip bp meds. I freaked out when my bp got up to 168/82 after 4 weeks on test and eq without any supps for bp, dropping my caffeine intake some and increasing the fish oil, adding the aspirin and the cialis dropped me 30points in less than 3 weeks.

I realized that I had blood pressure issues while on a Test E and Deca cycle. My BP was 181/119, talking about freaking out. Shit I about gave myself a panic attack. I switched to short esters to allow me to make quick changes in compound dosages. At one time, I was taking a pretty high dose of BP meds and experiencing some side effects but, by adjusting my diet and reducing caffeine intake I've been able to drop my BP meds to a low dose.

06-06-2013, 12:47 PM
Thru 3 days of cycle, all meals on schedule however, I'm going to reduce my carb intake some and will update first post.
My first two workouts this week have been rather light but I'm still sore as hell. I think my decision to hire a personal trainer is definitely going to pay off. This s.o.b don't play.... Chemical Muscles gear is so smooth and painless.

06-06-2013, 01:24 PM
This will be getting good, looking forward to it!

06-08-2013, 01:40 AM
My cycle has been going on for 5 days now and after a few light whole body workouts, I'm ready to ramp it up next week.
My last blood pressure taken was 115/71 (fucking awesome) Since the BP is holding low, I've decided to up my TBOL dose to 40 mg ed.
This is my fist run with NPP and I'm not sure how long it takes to kick-in but, I walked out of the the gym this evening pumped the fuck up.
I'm addicted to that feeling of muscle pain you get a day after a good workout. Shit, I was 1 of 3 people in the gym on a Friday night !!!!
I've decided to reduce my carb intake. Now I'm at 264 g Carb, 282 g Protein, 115 g Fat at 3300 Cal per day.
I've also decided to stop taking the Cialis as I don't feel the need for it.
Next week it really begins.......

06-10-2013, 02:29 AM
Its my understanding that the low dose cialis will help lower your BP. I think Eric said he runs it with tren to keep the bp down. I have heard of a few cases where the NPP is hard on the bp so if it starts to rise you might lower the npp.

06-10-2013, 02:59 AM
Looking forward to tracking your progress, I just started CMs NPP myself.

06-10-2013, 09:33 AM
Its my understanding that the low dose cialis will help lower your BP. I think Eric said he runs it with tren to keep the bp down. I have heard of a few cases where the NPP is hard on the bp so if it starts to rise you might lower the npp.

cb1. That was my thoughts about the cialis. I have plans of adding the cialis back into my cycle just to see its effects on the blood pressure. Thanks for checking out my journal.

06-10-2013, 09:35 AM
Looking forward to tracking your progress, I just started CMs NPP myself.

Flyingfox. Thanks for checking out my journal. Good luck with your run of NPP. If you dont mine, keep me posted of your experience with it.

06-10-2013, 02:40 PM
Do you have any progress pictures?

06-10-2013, 04:14 PM
Here is a pic of me just before I started this cycle at 185 lbs. Bear in mind I've been out of the gym for 5 weeks. I will post additional pics during the cycle.2250

06-10-2013, 07:42 PM
Here is a pic of me just before I started this cycle at 185 lbs. Bear in mind I've been out of the gym for 5 weeks. I will post additional pics during the cycle.2250

Great base. You can turn that into a shredded/jacked monster in no time with CM's quality gear.

06-15-2013, 03:23 AM
OK, I'm 11 days into my cycle and I gotta say the pump I had after tonight's workout was fucking amazing. I'm not sure if its the NPP by itself for a combination of NPP and TBOL. Anyways, after being out of the gym for 5 weeks it didn't take long to get my swagger back. Erik's gear is fanfuckingtastic.
If your on the fence about who to order from, I say get in touch with Erik at Chemical Muscle.
Been focused on strengthening my base for the first two weeks and plan on ramping it up real soon. By the way, I'm up 5 lbs.2361

06-18-2013, 12:53 AM
Its been officially 2 weeks that I've been on this cycle. Been working legs mainly the first two weeks and a little upper body. My legs have grown so much in the past two weeks when I put on my favorite pair of jeans tonight, it felt like I was weariing skinny jeans. LOL...
This pic is after tonights workout. I'm up 7 pounds.2372

06-22-2013, 12:32 AM
Great log! Maybe I missed it but how are you taking the tbol? All at once or split? Every morning or a pre workout thing?

06-22-2013, 12:57 PM
I split the tbol dose. One in the morning and the other 1 hr before workout in the evening.

06-22-2013, 01:21 PM
I take 10mg of cialis ed for bp control and uncontrollable boners

06-22-2013, 02:36 PM
49er, how much of a reduction in BP do you think you get from the 10mg of cialis per day? 10 points or so???

06-22-2013, 04:08 PM
I wouldn't think Cialis lowered BP. Can you guys explain??

06-22-2013, 05:05 PM
I take 10mg of cialis ed for bp control and uncontrollable boners

Me too! Drops my BP about 12 points

06-22-2013, 05:09 PM
I wouldn't think Cialis lowered BP. Can you guys explain??

My assumption would be that it dilates the blood vessels causing the heart to not have to work as hard kinda like a nitroglycerin tab.. Which is why you can't take cialis or Viagra with Nitro because it will lower your blood pressure too much which would be a bad deal!

06-22-2013, 05:12 PM
49er, how much of a reduction in BP do you think you get from the 10mg of cialis per day? 10 points or so???

I swear by this protocol but on tren theres day's I need to pop a bp pill. With these supps I see a nice drop at least 10 points some days more

06-30-2013, 07:29 PM
nice cycle bro

07-11-2013, 12:44 AM
2647Update. Going into week 6 I'm up 12 lbs. Still working with a personal trainer 3 days a week. Dropped the TBOL after 4 weeks and now just running Test P and NPP. Been focused mainly on legs as they were lacking. Legs have been coming along well because my jeans no longer fit in the thighs. LOL Need to increase cardio to bring out some abs.

07-11-2013, 12:50 AM
Looking good man. Keep it up.

bionic redneck
07-11-2013, 03:28 AM
great progress bro, glad to hear ur enjoying it and makeing good progress..........keep up the good work

07-11-2013, 03:31 AM
Hell yeah!!! Repped!!

07-11-2013, 07:33 AM
Run.it.Brother.rmkicks! Photo.doc your journey with this bro!

07-23-2013, 12:54 AM
Going into week 7 and up a total of 15 lbs. The first six weeks my workout mainly consisted of core exercises for upper and lower body, three days per week. This Wednesday I'm switching it up to three body parts 4 days per week. The personal trainer I've hired has been KICKING MY ASS. Looking around the gym, I see no one working out as hard as me. The money I spend on the trainer is money well spent!!!!!!! As far as the gear goes, I fucking love Erik's & Chemical Muscle's gear. Currently I'm on 100 ml of Test P and 50 ml of NPP every other day. I dropped the NPP dose in 1/2 due to elevated blood pressure. BP has been averaging 140 ish / 80. I've decided to add 100 ml of Mast P every other day for the last 6 weeks of cycle.2828

bionic redneck
07-23-2013, 03:16 AM
im glad to hear u are likeing the gear and congrats on ur results bro, what i do is i take garlic caps and put garlic powder in my food and my bp is 134/74