^^^^And with lots of them juicing, you have to choose between joining them so the playing field is leveled, or not and being left out of competing on the same level.

To me it seems obvious that those in power are not serious about keeping guys clean. It's not that difficult to perform random testing during the season. So what if someone juices during the off season when the season is so bloody long? Even if they juice in the off season and discontinue use prior to the season starting as to avoid testing positive at the beginning, the season is so long that any gains made would fade away pretty quick and their stats would noticeably fall off a cliff.

Either implement a blood test once a week for the 24 week season, or stop all testing and lets move on.

Question, what if a player has a legal script for test? Can he pin enough to get him to the very upper limit of the normal range and not get cracked for PEDs? (Assume his doc approved that dose)