Yeah its actually very easy once you get the first one under your belt. A way to think about it is you use the Cash App to purhase the bitcoin (convert your dollars to bitcoin). So your bank account or debit card it connected to cash app. You will simply upload the money to the cash app before purchasing the bitcoin. Once you have the dollars in your cash app wallet, you click the squigly line tab at the bottom, which will bring you to the bitcoin portion of the cash app. You will click "Buy". Put how much. confirm a few times and boom it covert the dollars to bitcoin (minus a fee) and It initially will store it on the cash app wallet. You then send it to the blockchain wallet you have already downloaded to your phone and set up. There is a number that corelates to your bitcoins wallet (i believe a new number is generated every transaction). So in your blockchain you will hit request and it will give you the number. You copy and paste that number to the cash app and hit send. Boom, the coins are transferred to your block chain wallet, and then you can donate to whatever you want from there... you would simply do the same thing you did with the cash app except with blockchain. You would get the sponsor or whoevers wallet number, copy it into the blockchain sending, put how much you want to send, and hit send. boom all done! very very simple once you go through it once. Since using Bitcoin/Crypto, i will never use another way to pay again and most people offer a lot of its well worth diving in and giving it a go.