I would avoid tren at all costs. read my write up IN the AP section on tren no tren. you will feel so much godamn better running the cycle with NPP, trens little brother and over the years lessen some very costly side effects. most especially the mental ones. you can cut, gain, whatever just adjust diet. and there is no such thing as "removing water" with another compound. i find that to be BS. no matter what compound you introduce its going to add water retention. I find i look the very best and feel thye very best just off all the drugs. now thats not competition ready for night of champions, but thats a whole nuther garbbage bag of compounds. im talking walking on the beach or lounging around ripped at 6 % bodyfat at all times. and if you have been off cycle for 6 weeks and hit that cycle your going to blow the fuck up, but only if your eating sleeping and training IN THAT ORDER are on point. cheers. best of luck.