As stated in the tile I've hit a plateau for a few months now and can't break it. I'm just starting an new 20 week cycle which will consist of 750 mg test 1-20 anadrol 50 ed for a kickstart then week 6-18 tren e 500 mg and masteron e 600 to harden me up. It's a great stack but I just need help with picking a new routine or program to build the most strength and muscle I can while on cycle. I've been doing the push.pull legs rest routine for quite awhile. Example: back and bis on Monday chest and triceps on Tuesday legs on Wednesday then rest day Thursday shoulder and traps Friday arms rest then repeat. Any help will be appreciated I just need new exercises or whole routine that will help me make gainz!! My diet is good I eat roughly 200 grams of prtein from food and then another sixty or so from shakes. Carbs probably 300 grams a day maybe a little more and fats minimal. Some people say eat more carbs but I'm carb sensitive and will get fat as fuck that way lol. Calorie intake for gaining somewhere around 3200 and 3600.