Never had abs always wanted them. I am a pretty well built guy I am 6'3 286lbs as of this morning. Always just lifted hard and eaten what I want and I maintain a decent body comp. not ripped by any means but you can def tell I have muscle. I have never gotten into the calorie counting or macros as I did not care. Now I want abs and I know that is 80-90% diet. So any diet experts out there I throw myself out there for you to help. I am open to most anything. What caloric intake do in need for my size ,build and such. What are macros and what do they do? I've always been good at tacking on Slabs of muscle now please help me peel off layers of fat. Not looking for cutting supplements yet as I know I can lose a ton just changing my diet. Please feel free to ask any questions you need of me and don't worry about hurting my feelings I need real tough love advice no sugar coating.

Thanks in advance and remember,

You can't spell strength without Tren.

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