Saw this workout posted a while ago and tried it out and it worked well for me.

Use both the Priority and Shock principles. For overall mass you should start your should routine with a pressing movement, after that, hit them before you hit your side and front delts, than at the end of the workout, pump the into them! Try....

(1) DB press 3 x 6-10
(2) Bent over laterals 3 x 8-12
(3) Lateral Raises 3 x 8-12
(4) Front raises 3 x 8-12
(5) rear delt machine 3 x 25-50

Try that for one week and then:

(1) Rear delt machine 3 x 12-15
(2) Overhead pressess 3 x 8-12
(3) Wide grip upright rows 3 x 8-12
(4) Cable side laterals 3 x 8-12
(5) Bent over laterals 3 x 10 (drop sets)

Also, make sure on back day you are doing bent over rows and pulling your arms right back and squeezing those shoulders together and are doing your shrugs with back.