I'm fairly new to this kind of training. We strength train in boxing but nothing like this. I've been lucky to be able to train with a veteran BB. He's helping me with the transition. I'm currently on a routine that looks
looks like this...
* Mon: Back & Bi's
Tue: Legs
*Wed: rest
Thur: Chest & tri's
*Friday: Shoulders & abs
Weekends off.
* 3 exercises per body part with failure at 5-6 reps. I've heard conflicting opinions on this. I've been told I shouldn't be lifting that way. I should be failing at 12. I'm confused. I thought that in order to put on size and strength you should lift heavy and less reps. I respect the different opinions but am stumped on what I should do. I'm also at a point where I'd like to switch it up anyway. I don't want to give my muscles a chance to adapt to a certain routine. I'm also no longer doing any cardio. Cardio was the foundation of my training for fighting. It also kept my weight in check and I'm now looking to gain. I want to implement muscle confusion tactics. The goal short term is to stay in the vicinity of 10%bf and gain about 25lbs. So is it different strokes for different folks or is there a standard school of thought on lifting for mass? Any thoughts?
Thanks guys
* * * * *Nitti