Building a Strong Back without Free Weights
Written by Lynn Glenn

back musclesAs we get older or just starting out exercising at the gym, we are more prone to the possibility of injuries. One of the best ways to help combat injuries is to tweak our workouts by substituting or combining free weights with different types of gym equipment.

In this article I will demonstrate how to build your back, lats, traps and rear delts muscles WITHOUT free weights.
Cables and Machines versus Free Weights

Although free weights is the best form of lifting and building muscle it is not the safest form you can use. If you are older or just starting out in weight training, to help keep you from injuries I suggest using cables and machines. I do incorporate free weights into my training, but more and more I find myself using other types of equipment as I get older, maybe it is because of the equipmentʼs stability and with the feeling of being less likely to be injured while I am working out. The bottom line is you are at the gym working out and you will build muscle no matter which form of training you use!

The Equipment

Lat Pulldown MachineGyms have various types of equipment and brand names that will be similar to ones that I will be mentioning. Hammer Strength, Universal, Pro Fitness, Maximus, Flex, LifeFitness, Nautilus, Power Strength, Body Solid, FreeMotion are just some good examples of plate loading and cable gym equipment that can be used instead of free weight to build a strong and powerful back.

The Workout

The back workout along with most of my other workouts is done once per week.
All reps mentioned here after are to failure, which means that you cannot lift anymore weight after completing the last rep.
Warm up with couple of sets using lighter weight, reps should be 15 to 20 first set, 12 to 15 second set.
I use Life Fitness Back Pull cable machine for this, with a wide and narrow grip for a complete back warm up.
Complete 3 set each, between 8 to 10 reps. For each exercise. Start your workout by using cable pull downs while sitting down.
hammer-strength-lats-pulldownUse a wide grip bar; pull the bar down to your lower chest, while having a slight arch in your back. This will put the focus on your lats, (the V shape).
Make sure that you concentrate on the back muscles not biceps. Putting your thumb over the bar along side your fingers will help to isolate your back more.
Switch the wide grip bar for a narrow grip bar to work the middle and upper back, using the same seated workout position. From there you can use various types of Hammer Strength equipment or seated cables for your rows.
Using wide then narrow grips sit up straight and pull the weight towards your lower chest without leaning back.
Now go to the Hammer Strength Machine. Use an underhand grip and adjust the seat so when you are pulling the weight that you hit the upper and middle part of your back.
When you have completed your sets, then lower the seat and complete the same. With the seat lowered you are now focusing more on your rear deltoids (delts), complete 5 sets with 10 to 12 reps. each. Your rear delts have been working with all of your back exercises; this will isolate them and finish them off.
For your traps either uses the Hammer Strength equipment or the Smith Machine for doing your shrugs. Use an over hand grip with your hands shoulder width apart and arms straight, lift by using your traps only.
Complete 6 sets (3 with the bar in front and 3 with the bar behind you) with 12 to 15 reps. for each set.

The Strategy

The workout that I have mentioned can be use indefinitely with different variations of weight, order of sets or the addition of free weights and other equipment.

One example is to change the weight load, except for your rear deltoids (delts) and traps, where you can only complete 4 to 6 reps.

Another way is to start first with seated rows then your cable pull downs. Be smart about it; keep the muscle guessing and your mind active by thinking of different variations for your routine.

Stay Focused

Do not let televisions, music, or people and especially your cell phone distract you.

Remember why you are at the gym!

I will usually bring my own music and headphones. I will play upbeat type of music, playing loud enough to drown out the other sounds and distractions around me.

Do not worry about how much weight that the person next to you is using, concentrate on your goals and gains. It is not about the weight that is use it is about the form and consistency.

The final judge will be you in how you look in the mirror and the way other people see you!


I have been completing this back workout routine with the variations that I have mentioned for more than three years now. At almost 61, I am still gaining size and strength in all my muscle groups. I am still amaze in what I can lift and for my other fitness accomplishments. I still have not slowed down one bit! So, if I can still find great success in the gym at 61, so can YOU!