Follow this Shoulder Giant Set Routine on three consecutive days, then give them a week's rest. First they'll hate you, then, after the soreness subsides, they'll ask for more.

Written by FLEX Staff

Follow this Shoulder Giant Set Routine on three consecutive days, then give them a week's rest. First they'll hate you, then, after the soreness subsides, they'll ask for more.

Perform each exercise for the prescribed number of reps then move directly on to the next without resting in between. Do this three times, resting no more than a minute between each giant set. After three cycles, pick yourself up off the floor and gently stretch your shoulders to push even more blood into them. Now you can lie down on the floor again.

TARGET AREA: Lateral deltoid heads
REPS: 15

* Stay rigidly upright. Do not rock back and forth and do not swing or throw the dumbbells upward.

* Keep your traps out of it by lowering your shoulders, not hunching them. Make sure only the lateral heads of your delts do the lifting.

* Think in terms of stiff-arm "pressing" the dumbbells outward and upward, not pulling them upward.

* Raise them to shoulder level, no higher.

* Hold the dumbbells level. If they tilt, resistance is removed from the lateral heads.

* Lower them slowly, resisting with all your might.

* A favorite killer growth-shock program is a month's worth of down-the-rack descending sets with these.

TARGET AREA: Overall deltoid mass
REPS: 10

* Since a barbell is not present to distribute weight, your balance will not be as stable; therefore, it's even more important for you to firmly brace your back and tighten your abs.

* Go as heavy as possible, so that you have to press straight up and straight back down to the top of your deltoids. If you can push outward through an arc, you need more weight.

* If you're not getting a burn in your deltoids, you're doing it wrong.

* My best results are from 12-rep sets. If you go too heavy, the pressing shifts from deltoid contractions to presses by your triceps and leverage from your upper back.
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Follow this Shoulder Giant Set Routine on three consecutive days, then give them a week's rest. First they'll hate you, then, after the soreness subsides, they'll ask for more.