/It seems that not a lot of people consider using an ISPs plain DNS an issue, but its a massive issue. Using a regular non-encrypted DNS address can compromise your identity very easily by other hackers and feds. This can happen even when you are using a VPN and/or TOR.

/Some VPN providers have poorly configured DNS servers that may "leak" your ISPs true DNS address that can easily be back traced directly to you. This is a very old issue and has been abused many times before.

.::[Encrypting Your DNS Traffic]::.

/There are a few ways to do this, but I have found that DNSCrypt is the best tool for DNS encryption. DNSCrypt turns regular DNS traffic into encrypted DNS traffic that is secure from eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks. It doesn’t require any changes to domain names or how they work, it simply provides a method for securely encrypting communication between the client and the OpenDNS servers.

-> DNSCrypt
Download: https://www.opendns.com/about/innovations/dnscrypt/
Configuration: Check "DNSCrypt over TCP/443"

/I would recommend that you check these websites BEFORE you open your browser, VM or ANYTHING involving internet connectivity, just to make sure that your connection is secure and is not leaking DNS addresses.

-> https://www.dnsleaktest.com/ [Tests for DNS leaks]

-> http://ipleak.net/ [Tests for DNS leaks, WebRTC, Geolocation, Torrent address detection, Browser fingerprint, MIME Type, ect].

Guide from Anonymous Gh0ster