This is a very secure VPN and you can pay for it using BitCoin to make it truly anonymous. I will post a few highlights from their site for more information ask below or read through their site.

They are offshore, do not keep logs, and accept anonymous payments.

Big Brother is watching YOU ...
we are not

Sign up, get a 3 day trial for free
You can choose a prepaid plan ranging from 1 to 12 months. A list of payment options and prices is available on the payment page.

2.1 Do you hand over payment information to requesting authorities?

No. There is no account data in the database other than the transaction ID used by the payment processors. We receive emails from payment processors which are stored on a separate system inside an encrypted partition. These need to be kept for a bit over 6 months to deal with user issues, e.g. complaints and questions. Otherwise servicing user requests would be impossible.

2.2 What information does the user database actually contain?

The user database only contains the information you entered during the sign-up process. This is your user name, password and your email address.

2.3 What kind of logging do you do to keep your service running?

We need to keep connection logs for debugging purposes, which happens encrypted and off-site. Connection logs contain information for debugging VPN client issues, e.g. connection drops, firewall issues. They also show if you are trying to log in with a wrong password.
There are no traffic logs, we do not look into your traffic.

2.6 What happens to user data when your machines get raided?

We are not breaking the law by running IPredator and we clearly state that we operate within the boundaries of the Swedish legal system.
If the police still decides to raid us for whatever reason your data is safe as in encrypted.

^^^And if you pay with BitCoin there is no data and the only data is listed above in 2.2