One study showed that 500 mg of I3C a day actually cuts the estrogen levels by half.”

2 Servings a day of any of the above mentioned vegetables can do the trick for you.

So, why is it important for you. If you are a man and need a lot of sculpted muscle, you need some good concentration of testosterone.

Even, if you are a women, the list of above said vegetables can really benefit you too, to reduce that unnecessary fat tissues hanging in unwanted places. Always eat more veggies than carbohydrates. Mostly avoid simple carbohydrates like rice, bread etc.

You can even live entirely on fruits and vegetables, and still not bored of that, coz they have got lot of varities in them.Okay, leave that at least take two servings of any of the above said veggies daily.

Do you have gynecomastia, then increasing the testosterones along with exercising can do the trick for you. For more complete guide on gynecomastia go to Gynecomastia Guide or to Chest Coach System (order this today if you are serious about getting rid of your man boobs fast)

And, then as you all know Testosterone can also highly appreciate your sex life.