Here's another recipe for Buckwheat milk...

Makes 4-5 cups

Grain milks used same as seed and nut milks – as a beverage or as base for soups, dressings, smoothies. It is also believed to help building your muscle, stimulate your strength and stamina. It is yet another great way to get live enzymes, carbohydrates, proteins and easy to digest.

1 cup Buckwheat, hulled
Agave nectar , or date(s)
Celtic sea salt
3 cup Water


SOAK grain for 6 hours SPROUT it for 12 hours. BLEND everything gradually adding water for smoother consistency~ Other good grain choices include quinoa… amaranth… millet… oats… make a note various grains require slightly different time for soaking and sprouting. It is best to use it in two days.