I’ve run keto in the past with varying results. I’m “considering” doing it again but I’m worried about losing muscle which is what I’ve seen before. Quick background, I spent last year just lifting, mostly powerlifting not giving a fuck about my weight. Just trying to get stronger. I tore more rotator cuff late November and that put an end to that. I was 283lbs. Switched gears and started cutting. Fast forward to today and I’m 247. Maybe 16-17% bf. Not lean enough and I’m trying hard to get a bit leaner. I’m not 100% ready to jump on gear but tren is not out of the question. But I want to take it as far as I can without it. So.....switch to keto for 90 days or so? How can I spare the muscle? I’m not against running test along with it to keep what I got. Thoughts?