I just want to make some observations here:

You've been given some very good advice so far. You posted this thread to help get you on track but when people have taken the time to list out specific diet plans you kind of blow them off. It sounds like you have your mind made up. Let me tell you my experience because I believe we share a similar body type:

I like to eat big, get big, and lift big. Problem is, that's not entirely healthy for the long run. I once was in your shoes and just wanted to see what it would take to get a low BF% and what was hiding under some of my extra fluff.

Well, what I learned is that shit is one of the most intense and mentally fatiguing quests I've ever done. I had a very close friend on another board that coached me through the whole thing and i couldn't have done it without his help. I went from 225 to 190 in around 16 weeks. Eating the same thing or very close to it every day is mentally taxing to say the least. I was finishing college at the time, working full time, and getting married. I say that to let you know that we are all busy and you just have to buckle down and want it if you're going to jump in.

I was eating more than I thought I would. I wasn't hungry ever. It was actually a pain to stuff that food down sometimes mainly because it was on the more bland side. I meal prepped 2x per week. I carried a cooler with me everywhere I went. I found microwaves all over campus and I was eating all of the time. It's dedication. I was doing more cardio than I ever have and I absolutely hate cardio to be honest.

At the end of the day I was extremely happy with my results because I had worked so hard for them and it was something that I had never done before. The biggest thing that I took from it was some advice that you were given earlier in this thread from BigPapa. All calories aren't created equal. You learn a lot about yourself and how you respond to different variations of macros when you go through this.

My advice is to pick a meal plan and stick with it. For carbs you're going to want to be eating sweet potatoes, brown rice, or something more along those lines instead of white rice and white bread. Meal prep and carry food with you everywhere. The hardest part is when you have a family or wife because they will not be eating what you're eating and honestly, it becomes an issue.

Good luck man. I need to do it again because I'm a little extra fluffy now.