Quote Originally Posted by Radman69 View Post
In my experiences..

nothing is ‘common’ in this game..
the pizza is just what works for ME..
the trick is finding YOUR ‘set point’..

sounds like its too much sodium for you unfortunately..
may have to scale back..
try a different ‘cheat food’ if you will..
Drink more water the follow up day..
and fast for a bit (12-18hrs is good)

i always have clean carbs.. every day..
i usually have 5 meals a day..
on ‘refeed’ days.. i will just be a little more
i toss the food journal to fhe side.. and just watch my physique and listen to my gut..
if i feel uncomfortable or bloated... cheat day over..
dont push it on a cheat..

again.. this is just MY personal approaches at dieting/nutrition..

someone else may have a different approach that works just as well..
I agree with part of what rad says. Keep in mind, he’s already a lean mean freak. He’s got a little room for forgiveness. He’s right about the multiple meals and sodium. Lower the sodium. I eat 8 meals a day if you count intra and pre workout. I don’t cheat, but I eat about 3700 calls/ day of very lean foods.
I’d keep carbs centered only around workouts. Maybe some oats in your shake for the last meal of the day.
Your gonna have to find what is best for your body. Ten dudes will give you ten different answers. I’d personally eat more food.