Actually in my experience with DNP (which is limited to about two cycles) I found better results eating a more well rounded carb rich diet. Of course I kept my caloric intake on target per day what I was hoping to hit, but some decent carbs like fruits and veggies, etc. Hell I lived on sushi and sashimi for a while lol. And I have read that heavy diet and carb depletion was counterproductive when it comes to DNP. I started with 200 for the first few days to a week I think then bumped up to 600 max. Rode that out for 20 day cycles if i remember right. I stopped using it because I was in danger of overheating because of my job. Was constantly sweating like crazy. Between that and a couple of cycles of t3 and clen switching back and forth i got where I was looking to get in a relatively short time but, as one gentleman stated earlier in this thread, maintaining the proper attitude towards a good diet and adequate amounts of cardio were the only way to keep your progress. Not to beat the proverbial dead horse, but it is important. And while I do think in the right circumstances DNP is a viable choice, it is dangerous and I would never recommend it for repeated use (such as a normal regimen). It can be great though to help jumpstart you towards your goal and motivate you, as its always wonderful to see noticeable results in a short period of time. Just be safe and responsible and never get too comfortable with DNP. Best of luck, and hope this helps a little. Just my .02$ =)