So over a year and half I've been experimenting with Dieting and using AAS to recomp .. im a huge advocate on using less compounds and even less mg per mg dosing..
Here is my transformation

1st cycle was March 2018 for 12wks
Dbol 25 mg wk 1-4
Test e 500mg wk 1-4 (250mg wk 6-12)
Tren A 50mg Ed wk 5-12
Pct for 6wks clomid, nolva,gw501516, MK-2866

2nd cycle
Oct 2018 for 16wks
Dbol 50mg spilt Am and 2hrs pwo wk 1-4
Test e 500mg wk 1-4 (250mg still on )
Eq 600mg week 1-16
Tren A 50mg Ed wk 6-14
No pct (Decided to Cruise @250mg)

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