Okay, so I built one day of my current meal plan in My Fitness Pal so I could screenshot it and share it here. It’s based on the Vertical Diet. Supposedly Stan Efferding’s Vertical Diet addresses a lot of nutritional issues and and promotes general health and hormone production, etc., etc. Just watch one of his videos on the diet if you’re curious.

I have The Vertical Diet .pdf if anybody wants to take a look at it.

This meal plan is a cut. I have a theory that for people with my particular weaknesses, free days and cheat meals are ultimately counterproductive. The experimental feature is meant to be I will stay on this diet relentlessly for the entire period of the cut phase without a cheat meal or refeed or any deviation whatsoever.

Even if this results in periods of reduced metabolic activity, my hypothesis that these will be only temporary and I will push through them by staying the course. In the long run I feel that avoiding breaks in discipline is more important than trying to tweak the diet for maximum metabolic effect. Of course, as I get closer to my ideal BF% (8-10%), if I find that I need to drop calories to continue to burn fat I am prepared to do so.

Critiques welcome.

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