Your unique hormonal body fat profile may be revealed through caliper skinfold measurements using the Harpenden calipers from a qualified BioSignature, BioPrint or Metabolic Analytics practitioner that is experienced and proficient in this method of testing. Based on the results, an individual’s body fat levels and their corresponding hormone imbalances can then be effectively managed through a combination of diet, specific training and exercise protocols, a targeted supplementation protocol, avoiding chemicals, reducing toxic load, and lifestyle modifications. However, important to note that BioSignature, BioPrint and Metabolic Analytics are not meant to replace comprehensive blood work.

Males. Sites that reveal estrogen dominance in males include the chest, quads and hamstring. If the pectoral site is higher than the triceps site this indicates aromatase. High estrogen in males is often combined with high insulin (insulin resistance) and low testosterone.

•Chest = Androgen site. High estrogen/aromatase (often combined with high insulin and low testosterone)

•Tricep = Androgen site. Low DHEA and/or elevated insulin

•Back (Scapula) = High insulin (inability to tolerate carbs)

•Love Handles (Illiac Crest) = Insulin and blood sugar imbalances (too many carbs or excess alcohol)

•Mid-axillary = thyroid

•Abdominal area = Long term exposure to stress, adrenal insufficiency and high cortisol

•Quads/Hamstrings = Long term exposure to toxic chemicals and exogenous estrogens (xenoestrogens from the environment, food and air) and endogenous estrogens

•Calf/Knee = Low growth hormone, high toxic load and a need to detox

Females. Sites that reveal estrogen dominance are the chest (1” in from armpit), quadriceps and hamstrings.

•Chest = High estrogen

•Tricep = Low DHEA or elevated insulin

•Back (scapula) = High insulin and/or high testosterone (inability to tolerate carbs)

•Mid-axillary = thyroid

•Muffin Top = Insulin and blood sugar imbalances (too many carbs, calories, processed foods or excess alcohol)

•Abdominal area = Long term exposure to stress, adrenal insufficiency and cortisol imbalances

•Quad/Hamstrings = Long term exposure to exogenous estrogens, overproduction endogenous estrogen and/or low progesterone

•Knee/Calf = Low growth hormone, high toxic load and a need to detox

When it comes to an exercise program, the solution for estrogen dominance and decreased testosterone is interval training and a periodized strength training program with heavy loads that builds muscle such as the the 12-week exercise program found in Fat Loss Revolution combined with calming parasympathetic activities such as yoga, yin yoga, walking outdoors, Tai chi, qi gong and others.

Organic nutrient-dense foods, plenty of quality sleep, stress management, avoiding and reducing toxic load and chemical exposure, the quality of one’s relationships, mental and emotional health, hydration with filtered water, and recovery methods must always be factored into the equation.

Workouts involving the major muscles and multi-joint exercises will force the body to lose the fat reserves and increase muscle mass. Some of my favorite total body strength training exercises include Olympic lifts, squats, a variety of lunges, dead lifts, pull ups, push ups and step ups. Stay away from the machines and instead use sand bags, body weight, kettlebells, dumbbells, suspension training (TRX), sleds, pulleys and barbells.

Prior to your workout consume foods rich in choline and tyrosine to an increased neural drive (bison burger, avocado and blueberries). Always consider the importance of pre- and post-nutrition to further enhance your workouts and recovery.

Consider fat versus muscle and the amount of space these tissues take up in the body. For example: Muscle equals one pound of nuts and bolts (dense and takes up a small space), whereas fat equals one pound of cotton balls (occupies much space). When muscle mass (hypertrophy) increases, your body composition changes. The amount of intramuscular fat diminishes with strength training. Using light weights and high reps will not achieve this effect. The only time lighter weights and higher reps are recommended is during the intro phase for trainees who do not have experience and need to strengthen their joints and tendons first, plus create a quality motor engram of various exercises to learn technique and enhance quality of movement.

? Just because hormone levels are low, throwing a hormone into the system may not be the smartest choice. Doing so has the potential to disrupt the entire balance. I’m not implying that one should never opt for hormones, however I dig deeper to find out why your hormones are low in the first place, identify the root cause, and bring the body into balance through a real food diet that works best for the individual, nutritional support based on unique biochemistry, lifestyle modifications (addressing sleep, stress, toxicity, underlying infections, gut function), emotional and mental health, relationships, and the appropriate type and amount of exercise FIRST! If that fails to bring hormones back into balance, then consider hormone support.