Well, a lot of good advice, but there are some numbers I wonder about.

Im pretty certain the caloric needs of someone who is 200lbs & 10% body fat, are different than someone of 200lbs & 35% bodyfat, as well as protein.

I have been near 200 lbs(over & under) before & lost fat, eating over 3000 calories...with a fairly low activity level. I'm not saying everyone should do this....or that there is one right way...but simply that it happened.

One piece of advice that worked fom me(this was from Chris Acetos book) was keeping a chart of everything I ate for 3 days, dividing it up by 3 & finding the average. You could do it while you are losing, maintaining, or increasing weight to find out whichever number is working for you. Then....you can make a adjustment like adding/dropping a few hundred calories...instead of going to full on bulk(add 1000) or cut(drop 1000) etc & just continue until you need to adjust it again.

Now, I know what I need to do drop to low bodyfat, but living on whey, tuna & rice cakes is tough. I'm sure it would be nice to be able to figure a way to cook these things, quickly & make them taste decent enough to stick to it.