okay, i know there is probably no real cure for this, but surely plenty of your families share mine's pain. My farts get so bad the better i eat... when im really eating well for size, ill be blowing brown clouds literally every couple minutes, and sometimes they get so bad id rather share a bed with last weeks roadkill than myself. like my dog would actually whimper and move. now dr ive talked to in the past always gave me this bs about avoiding gassy foods, like uh vegetables, fibrous grains.. and too much protein. so i need to eat these things to be healthy, get big, but if i dont want to clear the elevator at every floor i need to eat processed carbo crap. Multienzyme pills with probiotic flora help a little... but tell me how you all deal with it, or what has improved for you? or should i just make 'thou shalt not divorce me for my farts' part of my next marriage's prenup?