Quote Originally Posted by Bendit View Post
My wife has been working out with me for over a year now. She's made great progress and is freakishly strong. I'm guessing she's 5-3 130 around 10% BF. the problem is she can't get rid of the fat on the back of her legs these deposits create lines or dents. Her diet is clean no sweets 3 eggs in morning, roast beef wraps lunch, and dinners are usually meat potatoes veggies. She does drink a lot of coffee in morning (3-5 cupS). Her water intake is 8-64 Oz/day, which I think isn't helping anything, way too low. Her workouts are insanity 1/wk on average, at gym (3/wk average)it's a low weight high rep routine with lots of squats (she owns the squat rack when she's there) the squat load has to stay low due to old glute injury. If anyone has any advice, I'm all ears. Thanks
How strict id her meal plan? Is she weighing everything that she consumes every day to make sure she is eating the same amount of calories every day? Has she tried carb cycling? Could you list out her current meal plan like this?

Meal 1 8 am ?

Meal 2 11 am ??

Meal 3 2 pm ??

Etc.... Its easier to look at this way