So this will be my last bulk. Whatever gains I make on this will be it. I find the bulk and cut diets to be too much for my lifestyle anymore. I want to do it once more, cut once more and then just maintain along with a normal diet. I haven't run a log in a long time so this should be fun

stats: 5'3" /currently 142/ lift 6 days week/ cardio no less than 3 days a week

My diet:
I pretty much each the same thing day in and day out. That doesn't bother me. I take 1 entire free day which is usually Saturday. I have to keep it somewhat tight because I don't want to gain too much fat on this bulk since my calories are pretty high.

meal 1: oats, raisins, 4 egg white, 1 egg
meal 2: 6 oz beef, 1/2 cup rice
meal 3: 6 oz chix, 1/2 cup rice, sweet tater
meal 4: 6ox chix, 1/2 cup rice, veggies, green apple
meal 5: oats, raisins, 4 egg whites, protein shake
meal 6: pre wo 12oz gatorade mix w scoop of karbolene
meal 7: post immediately after training 24oz gatorade, protein shake
meal 8: fish, salad, sweet tater

I do mix them up a bit, but the oz's, amt of carbs stay consistent. I don't count macro's for this. I'm concentrating solely on getting the food in. 1 month I will re-evaluate and dial up or down depending on weight, look, energy, gains.

20mgs inj tbol daily +/- 8 weeks
200mg's primo wk 16 weeks
150mg's deca wk 16 weeks

I may add eq to this depending on what I am seeing w/ appetite, strength and gains. Same thing w dialing the mg's up/down. This is good base for me. I have run before and done well. I am currently 1 week into.

I train w the husband. He's 5'6" and currently sitting at 242. He is also on a nice Elite Genetics stack so I don't expect to be able to keep up with his training- lol. His goal is to hit 260.
We mix the training up to keep it fresh. Current split is: Back/bi/tri, Chest/shoulders, Legs (all heavy a/f w reps in the 5/8/10/12 range depending on our goal that day) then rerun that split going lighter and hitting 15 + reps. He does not count reps, but I do. I'm an accountant by counting is just what I do- lol.

I'm gonna post a pix, which I hate doing, but I wanna track the gains I will post up the last 2 days workouts in a few. Please feel free to jump in with thoughts and/or questions. Differing views is always good to hear.
