My wife's pre-cycle bloods have come back, and we noticed some interesting results. She has seen a doctor for the last three or so years about her low estrogen levels, a contributing factor is her low body fat that she consistently retains. One thing her doctor never tested was her test levels. Her levels are:

Testosterone, serum-
58 ng/dl Reference range of 8-48

7.6 ng/dl

Reference ranges for E2-
Follicular 12.5-166
Post menopausal <6-54.7
Girls 1-10 years 6.0-27

She hasn't had a period for years, (shortly after starting to lift. She keeps BF at ~14% or less) and roughly 1.5 years ago she started having more oily skin.

She has started taking Anavar at 5mg/day, but we are curious how effective it will be with such low estrogen levels. She does have a prescription for progresterone/estrogen that she currently isn't taking but can start if she need to increase her estrogen levels.