Hey guys,
I am doing my first cycle on Anavar { reliable source } and have been on 10mg a day 5 & 5.
In the past 9 days i have gained 3 kilos on the scale? is this normal?
i train heavy & 6 days a week no cardio.
I have been training for over 3 years, i am 41 170cm tall.
Currently weigh 63.3kilos.
started at 60.3 9 days ago.

Diet is Low Fodmap, clean approx 1600 cals with 2 refeeds a week 2100 cals. { increase carbs only }

I am currently in prep and wanting to add size and cut so i feel im going the bulk mode NOT the cutting phase..

Help a girl out please .. whats going on?

Other changes..
horny as a MO FO
huge pumps in the gym