My ex suffered w/ dieting for competition, a few times coming from off-season was a challenge for her to dump the fluff.

Previous posters mentioned your diet needs some help - take a look at true CKD diets - you need to do a refeed. The problem w/ low carb diets is that if you're not low enough, you're only starving out your body of the energy source it is looking for -i.e. you're not eating low enough to actually go into ketosis and switch over to using ketones as your preferred energy source. And then if you go a long time w/o a refeed, your metabolism starts to stall and it looks like you're not getting anywhere w/ progress.

Also if you're training 6x/week and doing 2 hrs of cardio on 1300 cals, you're just burning out the energy that are consuming.

As someone else recommended, I'd probably cut back on the cardio - switch to like 20 min HIIT cardio (high intensity interval training) - e.g. 30 seconds sprint, 90 seconds recovery for 13 min with 3 1/2 min of warm up & cool down or something to that effect - if you're not used to doing interval cardio, start with say 10 or 15 min total with a couple minutes warm up & cool down. Or at least mix in some HIIT w/ your steady-state cardio. But hours and hours of cardio kinda just becomes overkill and becomes either "burn out" or "over training". Honestly, unless you're really behind on your fat loss for a bodybuilding show date, much better to find a balance of cardio & training (& good quality sleep). Sometimes it takes a little experimenting to find the right combination of diet / training & cardio / recovery, seems harder for women sometimes but when you find that combination, the human body is amazing how it responds!

Best of lucK!

** Where's de beef? HERE'S DE BEEF! **