Clenbuterol*has been a favorite with bodybuilders and with general athletes for a very long time. Due to the high cost it has not really been used as a mainstream fat burner for a long time and Ephedrine based fat burners where far morepopular.

All that has changed with the launch of Nomad’s Clenbuterol. Clenbuterol fat burningI*became cost effective, with a quality version that is easily obtained with consistent supply. Clenbuterol is a Beta-2 Androgenic Antagonist and has more muscle sparing properties that Ephedrine. In other words in blocks muscle breakdown.This is also the reason some people actually gain lean muscle mass on Clenbuterol and it work better on low calorie diets where maintaining lean muscle is essential for results.

Like*Ephedrine, there is a distinct receptor downgrade with Clen so traditionally using it on and off was necessary to get prolonged results. But there has been remedy for this around for quite a while in the form of*Ketotifen. Mostly used in the bodybuilding market due to price, availability and just plain awareness of it, all that has changes once again with the introduction of an affordable version from Nomad Labs by the name of*Zaditen.

Using Ketotifen with Clenbuterol, represents one of the biggest jumps in fat burning options we have had to date. Ketotifen cleans the beta-2 androgenic receptor sites. Not originally intend for this, it is one of those side effects that turned out to be our greatest allies. What it means is that you can use Clenbuterol without a break and this represents a major increase in results of over conventional fat burners or using Clen by itself. Up to a 100% increase in results over the same period of use. That’s a big jump.

Ketotifen also has a timing advantage. Because it makes you drowsy, taking it at night is preferable while at the same time taking Clen at night is not. However, taking Clen fist thing in the morning is common practice. This means that you can clean the receptor site over night and have a clean slate so to speak in the morning. A win win situation.

Clenbuterol is typically use in split doses throughout the day and Ketotifen is used as a single tab at night. A simple combination and a must for Clenbuterol users.

An awesome fat burner used it many times...
