I plan on soaking up as much knowledge as I can from this forum so I thought maybe I could share a little as well. We all know the basic anti aging tips by now. Wear Sunscreen, exercise, hydrate, and moisturize. But I've found a few "Andromeda friendly" tips some of you may equally enjoy!

#1 (and my personal favorite) is to drink 1-2 glasses of red wine daily. It not only reduces stress, which contributes greatly to premature aging, but it's also filled with antioxidants :-).

#2 Eating Dark Chocolate. I've always preferred milk chocolate but dark chocolate actually helps protect skin from harmful UV exposure, and for someone who like to keep a tan that's plenty of reason for me to switch to dark chocolate!

#3 Eating beans and berries. I combined these two because they benefit the same, antioxidants. When I usually read foods for anti aging I think "yuck" but considering beans and berries are both delicious I thought I'd share with you.

I'll post more as I come across them if anyone enjoys the read.