Quote Originally Posted by thebear View Post
Anything you abuse will kill you. A little bit here and there won’t. Fuck, most of the Rx drugs like statins, SSRIs etc will kill you sooner than ‘steroids.’ Maybe if you dose like Rich P you might die early, but who the fuck does that there days except pros.

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100% True. LISTENING solely to your doctor can kill you! Not that they mean any harm but damn...

My endo insisted that type 1 diabetes is perfectly managed at a BG level of 150. This is about double normal levels - and a sure guarantee of eventually going blind and losing a foot - and ending up on dialysis. Sure, that'll take a while but I guess it beats them recommending tighter control and risk a malpractice suit for a patient dying of a hypo event...

My GP had me on 70mg of Vyv@ns3 daily for over a decade.
That was killing me faster than my gear!