Quote Originally Posted by Orange24 View Post
In October I had a major flare up of the above! We scheduled an endoscopy which I got two weeks ago and revealed the above but no erosion, ulcers or pre cancerous tissue, just inflammation. They put me on protonix which is a ppi to reduce the acidity that’s causing inflammation. I’m wondering how on earth this happened. Could it be from over eating the last 10 years? I’ve never really had GERD but they think that’s it for sure. Anywho just wondering if anyone dealt with this, or even GERD for that matter and what you do. Thx
I've suffered the same. Diet as all you guys know is the culprit. If you can get off the PPI it's better for your health. Check out, DHL Licorice, Slippery Elm Bark, Pau D Arco, I do Cider Vinegar mixed with a 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of baking soda then diluted down with water every morning first thing. Bone broth protein helps as well. I quit alcohol and that helped a ton but I was fasting and downing coffee and that can flare gastritis up like a mofo! I believe eating for your blood type is another factor as there's a thread for that in here as well. Everything I've read or seen on the Vegan diet seems to be the ultimate key to a long, disease free, youthful looking life. Especially on the gut....as I just bought a 1/4 of beef!