Quote Originally Posted by Santino101 View Post
My man thank you for the help. So in the morning I’ll eat 3 whole eggs and about 8-10 whites. You think I should replace that in the morning? And lose the cottage cheese at night and go with the egg whites? I worry about if I eat a bunch of whole eggs in the morning consuming too much fat early on and not having room for any more through out the day

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You can’t eat too much fat if you are consuming it naturally in clean protein sources and EFAs and cooking. (I use macadamia nut oil and don’t hide I am a Species customer).
I don’t know where yo are at but those egg white cartons at Costco are 15 egg whites each. I eat two a day. One in the morning and one at night. I used to do 10 whites morning and 20 at night but I couldn’t take the volume before bed any longer.
Every third day I do 4 whole eggs and 5 whites, morning and night.

I hover around 208 and last competed at 191, so adjust volumes accordingly for your target of lean body weight.