Hey guys wanted your opinions on my levels. Just had my total test levels taken the other day and the results came back 396 ng/dl.

Now I've only done 1 cycle before by accident when I was around 20 of superdrol, didn't even know I was doing steroids till my test crashed, no pct other than what the doctor gave me at the time which I believe was just test e 1 shot a week for a month. After that he said everything was good I believe.

Now I'm not having any problems in the bedroom luckily but I am lacking energy but that could also be do to working 3rd shift.

So what do you guys think about my levels for being 30 years old. To low? And if so what should I do about it? Don't really want to go on trt I didn't know if running PCT by itself or a test e cycle plus PCT might be a good idea to try and restart things better. Any ideas or opinions? Thanks.