So the past couple months my heart has been acting up(irregular beat/palpitations/odd feeling) so I finally went and got testing done and chest xray showed clear lungs/normal looking heart, EKG came back normal and blood work came back all good.....good cholesterol was a little low(from test use he said) and my bad cholesterol was great being 2.7. Kidney and liver function all good and fasted blood sugar good as well, BUT my hemoglobin is high being 180 so my doc has me on baby asprin and got my off my test and going for another blood test in one month to check hemoglobin again and test levels.

I asked if donating blood will help lower my hemo levels and he said not to because I have above normal test levels, well If donating will help me feel better why the fuck shouldn't I??? I've never donated before so will doing so help thin my blood/lower my hemo levels? Thanks