I tried something new this week and I cannot get enough!
Buy a huge chicken/turkey/whatever raw - cook
or buy one pre-cooked - whole
Buy zucchini (my favorite veggie, or choose another
wash, cut 1/4in thick and cook covered in frying pan on low heat in olive oil
The moisture from the zucchini will make it soft, flip when it looks like its getting "wet" you'll see the olive oil coming through
pick apart entire chicken/turkey. take massive pile and add to zucchini in frying pan
Add teriyaki glaze or sauce, add half handful of sesame seeds
still covered, cook until heated and mixed after adding glaze/sauce/seeds
eat and store the rest

tons of protein, low in fat, look for lower sodium sauces, and veggies. This is a dish you will NOT get tired of eating.
I eat it everyday! Unless you are competing you shouldn't be too worried about sodium, if you are adjust your diet in
other areas or drink more fluids