Currently on serostims hgh @ 4iu ed and rips @ 6iued x3 pins am rips 3iu midday rips 3iu Night 4iu SERos.
Also pre w/0 125 mcg of igf/ lr3. T-4 ed @ 200x2. Also long ester AAS 4 pins a week 800-1g mast e. 700-1g tren e. And varying doses of test from 250 mg - 1200 mgs switching every few months. Also test suspension as needed. Var 4 weeks on n off. ADEX e3d. Caber as needed. Plus reg multivitamin, fish oil, vit c , vit d, tudca, glucosamine, so. Now u know that. I wanna grow more. I'm 5"9 range from 180 -205. 9-12% bf depending on weight. Got bcaas in check, food and prtiein and sleep in check.train 5+ nights a week Legs Monday. Abs daily then chest x 2 days etc. Igf works very well!!! I want more. So should I drop igf and add slin. My buddy does 2 weeks on 2 off 1x a day @ 5 Iu pre w/o And does 10g carbs for every Iu of slin. The short version. Humalog I believe. Anyways he's gonna give me a 250 Iu pen. Slin window is 4 hrs. Add or not? If so drop the igf or add on top. I've done a ton of research and don't wanna do am pre wo. And post. Just 1x a day for a on n off cycle. Anyone ????